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everyone at school was still freaked out about the whole chrissy situation the next day, the more updates about it we got.. the more the rumors spread like wildfire.
will was coming back to school today at least, hopefully it will go well for him. why wouldn't it?

in first period, he sat way in front of me as i was seated in the back. he made long eye contact with me while he was setting his bag down.
i waved at him, sharing a small smile from my lips.. but was greeted back with nothing. he turned his head towards the board, almost looking like he rolled his eyes.
what the hell? why is he mad?
i slowly lowered my hand with disappointment weighing over my shoulders as i listened to the old teachers voice going through my ears.
whats his problem? is he just tired?
i tried to shake it off, hoping it was nothing and to pay attention to the lesson we were being taught in class.

after first period, i was walking a few feet behind will and i noticed he was looking the direction of chrissys locker. few people were surrounding it, whispering and staring at it.
before i knew it, will was practically darting towards that direction to get a closer look.
i chased after him, getting a little worried. was he still taking this harshly? he barely knew her.
as i looked at him, he pressed his finger against his temple and winced softly, seemingly another headache. but this time, dark, red blood was running down his nose.

-"will, your nose." i worriedly warned him, watching him slowly wipe the blood with his finger.
he looked blankly at his hands before hustling to walk away and down the hall.

thats odd.. why was his nose bleeding?
should i go check on him? but what if he's still mad at me. why is he even mad in the first place?
i shouldn't care, i should check on him and make sure he's not hurt or anything.

i hesitated to follow him to the bathroom, but did eventually and saw will in there with his hands pressed against the counter and staring at himself in. the mirror.
he pulled his head towards me from the loud sound of the door opening and i watched as he rolled his eyes and bent over to grab his bag.
as he tried walking past me, i nudged him back and in front of me.
-"whats wrong with your nose? is everything okay?" i ask, no longer seeing blood.
-"everything's fine. just leave me alone, mike." he mumbled, walking past me and out the bathroom door.
i hesitantly followed him out to the empty hallway and tried to catch up with him.
-"what's your problem today?" i ask from a distance, having to raise my voice a bit for him to hear me.
-"i don't have a problem, who said i had a problem?" he replied back, still walking ahead of me as fast as he could.
-"you're acting all edgy. you ignored me in first period, and just now you rolled your eyes at me. thats a pretty douche thing to do." i defended, making him stop walking and slowly turn around, making me feel anxious inside.
-"me? im a douche? at least i didnt go behind your back about joining another party and lying about it straight to your face!" he raised his voice, looking like he was getting angry. he rarely ever yelled at me, this was taking me by surprise.
-"i thought we were over that already." i shrugged my shoulders, confused on why he was still mad.
-"... i am." he replied, starting to walk away again.

i wasn't sure if i should've followed him or not, but if he was over it then why was he angry?
-"then why are you acting like this?" i called, jogging up behind him.
-"because, you ignored me all of last summer when i wanted to play d&d. but as soon as i leave, you guys suddenly want to play? sorry if i find that hard to get over." he scowled walking ahead of me still.
-"will, it wasn't because of you-"
-"yeah, i know." he suddenly turned around and taking steps towards me.
-"it's because of el. it's because you were to worried about her to ever even notice what i was going through. you guys made fun of me that day i forced you and lucas to play d&d. it's like you forgot i was stuck in the upside down and about the mind flayer possessing me. it's not my fault i got like half of my childhood taken away from me." he argued, now tearing up.
he was so upset, i didn't know what to do or how to react.
-"will.. i'm sorry. i didn't know it affected you so much." i shook my head, speaking quietly.
-"of course you didn't know. you didn't know because you were too busy worrying about el. everything is always about her. always. i always come second to el all the time, she always came first. you never wrote to me, you never called me, everything was about her and for her." he whined, looking like he wanted to cry.
i didn't know what to say.. he was right in a way. el did come first to me before him, i was always making everything about her. i don't know what to say, i don't do that anymore. especially since she's been avoiding me.
-"el and i aren't together anymore." i announced, receiving a shocked facial expression.
-"youre not?" his voice softly cracked as he mumbled.
-"it just didn't work out. thats why shes been so distant from me." i answered him, nodding my head awkwardly.
i didn't know what to say anymore, he still seemed mad. i wanted to hug him because it looked like he was going to break down, but when i leaned in, he pushed me back slightly and shook his head.
-"no, no." he whispered.
-"what? why cant you just let me comfort you! it's like you want to be alone." i yelled, offended and embarrassed from the rejection.
-"thats not fair. you dont get it. you've been an asshole to me these past two years and now you're expecting me to just get over it?" he argued.
-"it's not my fault you're like, in love with me or something!" i yelled, instantly regretting so.
the look on his face was a look of sadness and betrayal, there were tears filling his eyes rapidly.
he turned around and started to leave, making me panic.
-"will, wait!" i yelled.

i watched as he ran away and out of my sight down the hall.
shit, i'm such an idiot. why would i say that? whats gotten into my head? i just meant that he was taking a huge deal out of it. he was acting like el when she gets mad at me, i don't know why i said that.
i was so overwhelmed, i didn't know what to besides stand there as the bell rung and the halls filled with people and loud voices echoing through the hall.
i hate that i made him feel that way.
i need to make it up to him.
i have to.

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