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A third death of Hawkins in only 3 days. everyone's wondering, who's doing this? who's gonna be next? when will this all stop? is Hawkins cursed? If anyone knows any information, please contact 911 imme-

I shut the TV off, stressing over everything going on. Today is most likely my last day alive.

Steve - "will you stop pacing? its stressing me out." steve remarked, reading newspaper."
"Oh, i'm stressing you out?? i'm gonna die today steve!"
Mike - "don't say that, will." he mumbled.
"the truth?? there's nothing i can do about it. I'm gonna die."

Dustin - "guys? i think i found something!" he yelled across Mikes basement.
we all made our way around dustin.
Dustin - "it says here 'pennhurst asylum patient, Victor Creel, murdered his wife and kids by snapping their limbs and carving out their eyes. Murderer claims he was innocent." maybe he's knows who did this! he can stop this before this curse kills Will too.
Nancy - "we have to go see him.
Robin - "yeah, but how are we gonna get inside without being seen?"


Robin - "are we sure this is a good idea?"
Nancy - "just trust me, c'mon!" she whispered, climbing through the window of the basement in the mental hospital.
Robin - "holy shit this is crazy! this is crazy!"
Nancy - "shut up! dustin said he's in room 88.

they walked down the long hallways until they reached room 88. it was a big room with different cells with different patients. they made their way down, looking for victor creels cell until they found his name tag on the cell gate.

he was turned towards the wall, sitting in a chair humming a familiar song. it sounded like "Dream a little dream of me."
Nancy - "victor?"

Victor was hesitant to speak, not knowing who they were.
Victor - "who are you.." he spoke faintly.

Nancy - "this is Robin, and i'm Nancy."
Victor - "are you a reporter? i don't talk to reporters!" he slammed his hands on his desk.
Nancy - "No, no! we're not reporters. we want to hear your side of the story. we believe your innocent. the thing that killed your family is back now.
Robin - "we want to know who's doing this."


as soon as Nancy and Robin left, it was just Mike, El, Max, Dustin, Lucas and I in the basement. Steve, Eddie and Jonathan were upstairs and i began writing letters to the most important people with my life. I wrote my family and friends each individual letters, leaving Mikes for last. mostly because his would be the longest to write.
i teared up writing his. i don't wanna die without letting him know how i feel about him.

i placed them all in envelopes and signed their names to them.
i stood up and walked to the couch to where they were sitting and handed it to them.
Mike - "what are these?" he asked, beginning to open it.
"No! don't open it yet!" i yelled, stopping all of them from opening the letters.
"it's just in case i don't make it. so you guys can read for when i'm gone."
Max - "will.. i promise we will figure something out! everything will be okay-"
"please, just shut up max! there's no way out. i'm gonna die soon. please, just don't lie and give me false hope." i burst out.

i felt tears forming in my eyes before i walked up the stairs to my brother, Steve and Eddie and handed the letters to them.
Steve - "what are these?" he asks.
- "don't open them now. there for after.. incase i don't make it."
Jonathan - "Will, c'mon.."
- "Jonathan! no.. i don't need you to tell me everything's gonna work out just like everyone else. i need you to take me to moms work really fast."
he hesitated but nodded.

i walked into melvalds and saw my mom at the counter. the store was empty so it was the perfect time to talk to my mom. my mom had no idea everything was going on, and i didn't want her to know.
Joyce - "Will, baby! why are you here? shouldnt you be at Mikes?" she hugged me.
-" yeah, i just had to drop something off to you." i gave her the letter.
"don't open it yet, it's just incase.. you know. a lot of my classmates are dying. i don't know who's gonna be next and i just want to be safe." i mumbled, tearing up.
Joyce - "oh, honey! *she pulled me into her arms* Nothing is gonna happen to you baby, i promise." she assured me.

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