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1 week later

Nancy and I walked into Wills room, he was no longer relying on the breathing machine since yesterday. he had woke up for the first time around 4 am this morning so his mom said on the phone. he was asleep and his mom and jonathan were sitting next to him.
they both stood up when they saw us and hugged the both of us.
Joyce -"he should be awake soon, Mike. he asked for you this morning when he woke up." she smiled.
i already felt tears forming.
-"did he really?" my voice cracks, wiping my eyes trying not to cry.
she pulled me into a hug and i let tears fall over her shoulder.
jonathan -"is that for Will?" he asked looking at the stuffed bear in my hands.
-"yeah, i picked it up from the gift shop on my way up here." i said, wiping my tears.

Joyce -"im gonna go outside to smoke. i'll be back." she smiled, leaving the room.
jonathan and nancy began walking out to, leaving me alone with Will.
i sat the bear on his side table before sitting down in the chair next to him.
looking at him just made me want to break down itself.
i held his cold and pale hand, feeling tears fall.
-"i'm not sure if you can hear me or not.. but if you can.. i read your note." i sniffled.
-"Will.. i'm so sorry. of course i love you. i'm sorry it took me so long to realize what was right in front of me. i'm so glad you're alive. i wouldn't have been able to live without you. i'm sorry i made you feel like you didn't belong, of course you do! i'm sorry i'm such an idiot and i was too scared of what people would think. but i'm not scared anymore.. and when you wake up, i'm gonna take you to the movies just you and me and we're gonna get ice cream and listen to music in your car and we're gonna have the best fucking time of our lives. and i'm gonna take you to the semi formal coming up in a few weeks. and we're gonna dance to cheesy music together and we're not going to care what people are saying about us" i chuckled before crying once again.
-"i love you so much, Will." i whispered under my breath, burying my face into his blanket.

i rested my head there, feeling hot tears fall down my cold cheeks. i didn't sit up until i felt will's fingers messing with my hair.
i sat up and saw Will's she's barely open and a weak smile across his face.
-"Will! you're awake!" i laugh, hugging him tightly but stopped when i heard him coughing.
-"shit, sorry. i'm sorry!" i apologize, forgetting about his weak lungs.
Will -"so what was it about that dance you said?" he mumbled faintly.
i laughed, not thinking he'd actually hear me.
-"yeah.. um." i chuckled.
Will -"you can't take it back, we're going." he weakly nodded smiling.
-"whatever." i smiled.

i held his hand again, squeezing it tightly.
-"you heard everything else i said, right?" i asked which he confirmed with a weak nod.
Will -"i love you too." he mumbled with a weak voice

Will -"i hope you know, even if i did die, i already knew how you felt about me. i did hear what you said when vecna possesed me."

i started slightly laughing which made him start laughing until we were both almost out of breath.
we were interrupted by max and lucas walking in.
max was on crutches and Lucas had to help her walk.
I stood up to give max my chair and i gave them a minute to talk alone.
Finally, it's all over.
Vecnas dead
Will's alive
everyone's happy.

the next day

i stopped by Will's house after leaving Robins funeral service, knowing Will felt racked with guilt and also it was his first day home from the hospital.
i got out of the car with my sister and knocked on the door where Joyce let us in.
i made my way to Wills room and saw him on his bed. he looked like he had been crying, so i shut the door behind me and walk over and sit in front of him.
-"will, what's wrong?" i tried to comfort him
Will-"i couldn't go to her funeral. im.. i killed her. i'm a murderer." he sobbed.
-"Will.. you cant blame yourself for that. he made you do it! it's not your fault, i know robin would've forgiven you." i assured him.
Will-" i gave you a huge gash on your head, i snapped max's leg and almost killed her, i tried to kill Troy and James-"
-"Troy and James deserved that!" i defended
Will-"they could've died! they didn't deserve to die and i would've killed them!" he sobbed
i pulled him into my arms and let him cry it out. i feel terrible he has to live with this, but it truly isn't his fault.
-"at least Vecna is dead and he can't hurt anyone else anymore." i assured him.
i sat him up when he had stopped crying and wiped the tears from his face for him.
-"are you gonna be okay?" i ask, scooting in closer.
he nods before i hug him once more.
-"i'm gonna go home, but i just wanted to see you again before tomorrow. you sure you'll be okay enough to go out tomorrow?" i ask.
Will-"yes, i'll be okay. i love you." he smiled.
-"i love you" i pulled away from the hug and began making my way to the door.
Will -"you forgot something?" he said, seemingly offended.
-"what?" i turned around confused.
he rolled his eyes and stood up from his bed to walk over to me.
he pressed his hand on my cheek and gave me a quick kiss.
-"dummy." he chuckled.
i giggled turning around and leaving, shutting the door behind me.
i quickly rethought and turned back around and walked into his room and kissed him again, not wanting to let go and leave.
we stood there, kissing for a lot longer than i thought, but felt so quick.
-"okay, okay i really have to go" i pulled away smiling before leaving his bedroom again.
i walked into the living room and saw nancy and jonathan talking on the couch.
-"nancy, are you ready to go?"
nancy - "not yet, we can leave in 15 minutes." she shooed me away, which made me happy which meant 15 more minutes with will.
i practically ran back into wills room and shut the door.
-"just kidding, we can have another 15 minutes!" i giggled, jumping on him on his bed.
Will-"ow, get off dummy!" he laughed, kissing me again.

we laid there, kissing for a lot longer than what nancy had told me.
Will-"are you ever gonna leave my house?" he joked
-"depends, can i stay here forever?" i teased
Will-"noo.." he giggled
-"oh, sure i can!" i laughed, tickling Wills sides, making him burst out in laughter and shove me away.
i went back to kissing him but he stopped me
-"okay, seriously my lips are tired." he smiled.
-"that's fine, i'll just go down here." i began kissing his neck, which i could tell by his body language gave him butterflies. the deeper i kissed in his neck, the harder Will breathed, which made me breathe harder. the room felt to be getting hotter. Will grabbed my chin and pulled my lips back onto his. the kisses before were more innocent and small. we were practically swapping spit at this moment. after a while i felt myself maneuver on top of him
will pressed his hand against my chest while i kissed into his collarbone.
i pressed my hand into his shoulder, making him wince in pain.
-"shit, what is it?" i panic as he takes his shirt off to look at the huge burn mark i gave him with the crowbar
-"what the fuck!" i almost shouted in shock.
Will - "mike it's.."
-"i'm so sorry, Will! that looks so painful, God.." i sat up on the egde of his bed.
Will -"mike, it's fine i promise. you didn't have a choice. please just come back to bed." he whispered over my shoulder.
-"you promise you forgive me?" i whispered, feeling major guilt.
Will -"pinky promise" he held out his pinky.
i interlocked my pinky with his before he kissed me again and we picked up to where we left off.

i dozed off until i felt my watch on me vibrate. it was already 8 pm! did nancy leave already? i carefully slipped out of bed so Will wouldn't wake up and made my way out to the living room where nancy was still sitting with Jonathan.

-"Nancy, it's been 2 hours! are we gonna go home and get dinner or what?" i exclaimed.
nancy rolled her eyes, standing up and telling jonathan goodbye.
while i was waiting for her to say goodbye to joyce i walked back into wills room where he was still peacefully sleeping.
i found a sticky note and wrote down a little note before leaving.
i quietly closed the door and went back home with nancy.

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