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Robin Buckley, former Hawkins High student has been pronounced dead last night in Starcourt Mall. Another heinous murder here in Hawkins. If anyone has any information to help, please call 911 immediately-

i turn off the tv, throwing the remote on the ground.
Max-"Will.. you think Will did this?"
-"who else would've killed her, max?" i yelled.
Dustin -"mike, just calm down."
-"no! don't tell me to fucking calm down! that.. thing is making him do terrible things! and we can't do anything about it, we just have to let these people die!!" i exclaimed.

i fall back into my couch, wiping my hands over my face trying to relieve stress.
El -"I have an idea."

max -"are you sure this will work? you sure he won't hurt you in there?" she worriedly asked.
El -"he can't hurt me in there. I'll be fine." she placed the bandana over her eyes as the static filled the room.

I listened to the sound of static trying to find Will. when i opened my eyes, I saw him standing in the middle of his room, his back towards me.
i slowly walked towards him and made my way in front of him.
i looked into his seemingly dead eyes and slowly reached for his hand, holding it in mine.

-"Will? can you show me? show me what happened to you." i whispered.

Will closed his eyes and grabbed both of my hands.
-"do you trust me?" his voice echoed
-"yes, yes i trust you Will."  i nodded.
he opened his eyes and shoved me back.
i screamed as i was falling down through the sky until i hit the ground.
i felt too much pain too look at where i was at first, but when i woke up i was in front of a big blue house.
it looked familiar, i've seen this picture in the newspaper.
it looks like victor creels house.

it took me a while to realize i was no longer in my own body, i was in Wills. i'm seeing what he saw.

he showed me the dead bodies of tina, chrissy and jason. i felt horrified seeing them.
but that was nothing compared to what vecna showed him.

I saw a series of things Vecna was making Will do.
i saw Will cause troy and james to get hit by car with his mind, i saw him kill robin.. but the next few things haven't happened yet.
he planned on killing max next...
and then mike..
and then everyone else until it was only them.
i saw max.. her limbs snap and her body fall lifeless
i saw her family finding her, and the reactions were traumatizing.
i saw mikes eyes be pulled back from the inside of his head and fall lifeless.
i saw everyones deaths.
including mine.
I scream and cry, calling out Wills name until i was in total blackness again.

"El.." i heard Wills voice

-"Will! Where are you?!" i scream

"El!! El help me, i don't know how to stop him! i can't stop him! please help me! i'm so sorry, he made me do it! please kill him before anyone else gets hurt!! Please El, help me!!" be screamed and begged
i looked around trying to find him but he was nowhere to be seen.
-"Will, where are you??"

"El, please! just get him out of me!!" his voice echoed!

-"Will? Will!!" i called out multiple times, no longer hearing his voice.

El took her bandana off and started hyperventilating and sobbing.
Max -"El, what happened?" she hugged el as she sobbed uncontrollably.


Lucas - "we're all gonna die.." lucas stressed after Eleven told us what Will saw.
El - "there has to be a way to stop him. there's a part of Will still in there. he was crying.. he begged me to get vecna out of him."
-"remember what they did to get the mind flayer out of him last time? they burned it out of him. maybe that's what we need to do, burn it out of him again." i mentioned
Nancy-"yeah, but would it really be that simple? we were dealing with just the mind flayer then, vecna is much more powerful. he has the same abilities as Eleven."
Jonathan -"he cant move anything with his mind if he can't see anything, right?"
-"how are we gonna get him in the middle of nowhere again without putting him to sleep?" i ask.

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