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i felt uncomfortable sleeping with everyone surrounding me. i hated feeling watched in my sleep. i kept tossing and turning on mikes couch in the basement but i couldn't get comfortable. i knew i wasn't going to get any sleep. i stood up and made my way upstairs to his kitchen.
i grabbed a glass and filled it with water, practically drowning myself in it.
a voice coming from behind me startled me, almost making me drop the glass.
mike - "what are you doing awake?" he mumbled, wiping his eyes seemingly had just woken up.
- "i can't sleep. i feel uncomfortable surrounded by all of them, it's stupid i know." i shook my head, placing my glass down.
mike - "no, i get it. you can sleep in my room if you want." he offered.
"oh, are sure?"
mike - "of course, i'll go too. just to keep an eye on you in case anything happens again."
"yeah, i don't want to be completely alone." i shook my head.

I layed down on mikes bed and saw mike make his way to the floor next to me. he turned off his lamp, which made me feel slightly less relaxed than before.
i still felt scared, i felt embarrassed asking him to keep the light on. i lied there, shaking in silence and staring at the ceiling. every time i closed my eyes, i saw him. i saw vecnas face.
mike - "will, what's wrong?" he placed his hand on my shoulder.
i jumped a little, but i'm not sure he noticed.
"nothing, i'm fine." i mumbled, turning my back towards him and burying myself in the blanket.

i tried closing my eyes, hoping the image in my head would go away.
i eventually almost drifted asleep but mike began to talk again.

Mike - "Will, I know we haven't talked about that night at Murray's.. but i just-"
i rolled my eyes, i'm tired and i'm stressed. is this really the best time to talk about it? maybe if i ignore him and pretend to be asleep he'll just shut up and leave me alone.
Mike - "i made a mistake that night. we never should've done that.

my heart sank.
i felt a lump in my throat the more he talked.
Mike - "you kissed me and i didn't want to make you feel embarrassed.. but i'm not gay, Will." he shook his head.
i couldn't ignore him anymore. i sat up and looked towards him. he had such a disgusted look on his face.
Mike - "you're sick.. you're disgusting! I can't believe you tried to make me like you.." he shook his head.
"mike?" a tear fell from my face
Mike -"and you wonder why your dad left. *he slowly stood up from the ground* I hope you burn with all the other little faggots in hell."
tears flooded my face, this didn't feel real.

"mike, you can't mean that." i shook my head.

Mike - "maybe Vecna should take you." he began walking towards me
Mike - "you don't belong here. you never belonged with the rest of us! you belong with him. life would be easier to live without you taking up so much space.
"mike.." i sobbed.
Mike - "you should just let him take you next time.." he crawled on the bed, cornering me, and putting his face directly in mine.
Mike - "He'd end your suffering once and for all." his voice became deeper and distorted.
the lights began flickering uncontrollably. i closed my eyes, sobbing and praying he'd go away. when the lights stopped flickering i finally felt it safe to open my eyes..
vecna was no longer there.
i looked around and saw Mike sleeping on the ground.
which meant Vecna was still after me.


i walked down the hall to my locker before first period and saw writing on my locker.


i felt my body go cold as i felt the eyes of my peers staring into my back and laughing at me. the sounds of their laughter pierced my ears. i sobbed as i held my ears shut to block out the sound. i felt two hands press onto my back and shove me to the ground.
i scream and cry as two people drag me down the hallway by my feet and into the bathroom.
when they flipped me over, i saw who was standing above me. James and Troy.
Troy pulled out a switch blade from his pocket while hovering over my waist.
Troy - "Maybe this will help you learn your lesson. burn in hell faggot." he yelled, stabbing me in the chest.

I jumped awake in a cold sweat, panicking and hyperventilating. Mike was in the corner of the room at his desk, but he jolted up when he heard me.
Mike - "Will? are you okay?" he stood there unsure of what to do.
i couldn't look at him the same. i didn't want to maintain eye contact.
i stood up and slowly walked out of his room.
Mike - "Will?" he called from down the hall as i walked down the stairs.
I saw everyone in the kitchen, making breakfast.

Nancy - "good morning, Will? How'd you sleep?" she smiled.


we all ate breakfast at mikes dinner table, awkwardly in silence. nobody wanted to talk about it, they just pretend everything was normal. they talked about the most random shit that didn't matter at this moment. i was going to break. i couldn't stay there, i felt anger overcoming my body. uncontrollable anger.

Steve and Nancy were standing in the kitchen, watching everyone.
Steve - "do we have a plan for Will?
Nancy - "i'm not sure." shook her head "i mean, we don't know how to ask Will. he seems off, doesn't he?
Steve - "you think he had another bad dream? or another vision?"
Nancy - "i don't know. Wouldn't he have told us? We need to find a way to kill Vecna. forever this time."

nancy turned away from steve, drinking her water.
Steve - "hey, nance?" he grabbed her attention. "I know this isn't exactly a great time.. but i kind of wanted to talk about.."


Max - "you're flying suzie out for the homecoming dance?"
Lucas - "I didn't even think mormons could go to dances."
Dustin - "that's the baptists. and yes, i am. 1 more month. counting down the da.." he stopped speaking when i dropped my fork and practically ran out of the room.
everyone stopped their side conversations to watch me leave the house.
Jonathan - "Will! where are you-" his question was cut off from the door slamming.
they all looked at each other until they heard my car starting up.
they all stood up and ran outside but by that time, my car was speeding down the road.

Lucas - "what now?" he threw his hands up
Max - "we can't just let him go!"
"what if Vecna finds him again?"

little did they know that's what the plan was.

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