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2 weeks later

everyone at school was buzzing because tonight was the homecoming game. the guys wore their jerseys to class and the cheerleaders wore their uniforms to class.
being back at school was a little weird after everything.. and it was a little hard to boost my grades up after missing so many days.
i was at my locker, searching for my chemistry textbook, getting aggravated.
mike-"boo" he whispered, making me jump a tad.
i turned around and saw my chemistry textbook in his hands. "looking for something?" he teased.
-"i've been looking for that! give it im gonna be late." i snatched it from his hands before closing my locker.
mike -" are you going to the game tonight?" he asked, walking with me to class
-"like i have a choice. Max and El are forcing me. are you going?"
mike -"i will if you go. Lucas said he was gonna go to watch max so all 3 of us can go together."
-"okay, i'll pick you guys up, bye." i smiled before walking into class directly before the bell.


after i walked Will to class, i realized i left something in my locker.
-"shit, i'm gonna be late." i mumble under my breath
as i walked back towards the lockers i see someone going up to one of the lockers and taping a piece of paper to it. it wasn't until i started to approach it that i realized it was Wills locker.
the paper had the word Murderer in bold and red.
i ripped the paper off and crumbled it up before throwing it in the trash.
people are fucking terrible. they don't know what Will went through.
i hope they don't bother him, the last thing he needs right now is to get made fun of.
i grabbed the notebook i needed and proceeded to walk to class.


I had picked Lucas up first since his house was closest.
he opened the passenger door but i stopped him
-"sorry Lucas, that seat is reserved." i grinned.
he groaned before sitting in the backseat.
Lucas -"i can't wait to third wheel." he joked sarcastically.
-"shut up, Lucas. you'll be okay." i rolled my eyes, driving down the street to mikes house where he waited in the driveway.
he made his way to the passenger door and sat inside.
mike- "hey guys, let's go." he said, buckling his seatbelt.

as we were driving towards the school, i was driving with one hand and my other hand on mikes leg.
lucas -"will, i'm feeling extremely unsafe right now i'm gonna need you to use both hands when driving." he joked sarcastically.
miked laughed and i flipped lucas off before putting both hands on the wheel and speeding up.

i parked in the student parking lot behind the field.
we got out and began walking to the bleachers together. the game had just started and the first quarter was almost over. We saw El and Max down in front of the bleachers and they started waving at us.
it was 60 degrees and cloudy, my body began shivering and i got goosebumps everywhere.
mike noticed i was shivering and he took his sweatshirt off and handed it to me.
-"thanks." i smiled, quickly putting it on over my shirt.

the game was honestly really boring. i wanted to fall asleep by halftime.
the 3rd quarter came along, everyone just came back after half time to continue watching the game.
mike nudged my arm
mike-"hey, let's sneak away. say you're going to concessions."
i nodded, smiling knowing i'm a bad liar.
-"guys im going to concessions, i'll be back." i smiled.
mike -"oh, i'll go with you." he smiled, taking my hand.
Lucas -"i'm not stupid, i know what you guys are doing!" he yelled as we ran away.
we snuck off behind the bleachers where nobody could see us and mike pinned me against the brick wall and kissed me like never before.
-"gosh, has it been that long?" i joke from how passionate he kissed me.
mike -"yes, dude it's been almost a full week since we last were alone."
-"well, sorry i had work, i don't pick my sche-"
mike -" less talking, more kissing. "he interrupted me, making me laugh with his lips on mine.
we stood there making out for longer than intended. i pulled away when i saw we were gone for 30 minutes according to my watch.
-"mike, we've been down here for too long." i laugh as he kissed my neck.
he kept sucking at my neck, making me breathe heavily.
-"mike, seriously i think the game is over."
mike -"i don't care." he said between kisses.
he pulled down the collar of my sweatshirt and began kissing my chest.
-"mike, i'm not kidding." i said not smiling until he whispered in ear.
mike -"just 5 more minutes" he whispered, running his hands up and down my body while locking lips with me.

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