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-"you sure this is the right place?" i suspiciously ask as will turned the music down, entering the driveway of an old looking, fenced up building.
-"yep, 3833 walker drive. this is it." will sighed, parking his car in the empty gravel.
i did not get a good feeling about this entire thing, i was hours away from home without anyone knowing. and i'm going inside a total strangers house?
-"you coming or what?" will yelled, already starting to walk up to the door.
i quickly tried catching up to him, running up by his side as he pressed the buzzer button.
-"look at the camera." we both heard from the loud speaker.
both of us looked around us, confused on what he was talking about.
-"what camera?" will mumbled, squinting his eyes, looking around.
-"look above you to the right." the voice spoke again.
we looked the direction he was telling us to and finally saw it, waiting there for a few moments before murray opened the door.
he was wearing what looked like a karate uniform, smiling brightly at us.
-"michael wheeler and william byers, what a surprise. you're long ways from home. come in." he opened the door wider for us.
will and i made eye contact before he slowly lead the way inside his warehouse, which was surprisingly small and cluttered.
-"excuse me, i just got back from karate lessons. ill be right back to get changed. make yourselves at home." he noted, walking upstairs and away from us.
will and i glared at each other, this was incredibly awkward.
-"shes obviously not here." will mumbled.
-"no shit, i never said she would be." i sternly replied, before will sat on the couch behind us while we waited for him to come back, which took no longer than a minute.
-"okay, now enlighten me. why are you two here, so far away from home?" he said, drinking vodka out of a bottle.
-"uh, we were wondering if youve seen or heard anything from eleven recently. she ran away and said she was going to illinois." will informed him.
-"jim hoppers daughter? no.. nowhere around here." he shook his head.
-"are you sure she hasnt called or anything?" i asked, trying to get answers.
-"yes, michael. i think i'd remember if a girl with telekinetic powers reached out to me." he scolded with a tone.
will and i looked at each other, sighing and knowing this entire thing was a waste of time.
-"wait, is that all you came for? you couldn't have just called?" he stated.
-"yeah, i'm starting to regret that now." will mumbled, turning around towards the door.
-"leaving so soon?" murray yelled from the living room.
-"it's going to get late soon, i don't want to drive in the dark." will replied as murray walked over to us.
-"suit yourselves. thanks for stopping by." murray sarcastically smiled, pushing our backs outside and slamming the door shut in our faces, leaving us stunned.
will scoffed, seeming even more annoyed then earlier. i followed him to the car and got in after he did.
i buckled my seatbelt but stopped and noticed will turning the key into the ignition, but it wouldn't start.
he stopped and tried again, but it still didn't work.
-"what's wrong?" i ask.
-"i don't know, it won't turn." will grunted, excessively turning the key to try to get it to start.
-"will, stop!" i lightly pushed him before he broke anything.
-"this happens all the time, its a piece of shit. it's not going to start." will groaned, opening the car door and slamming it behind him, making me have to follow him back towards the front door of murray's house again.
he rang the buzzer, looking extremely distressed.
murray quickly opened the door, smiling and letting us in again.


-"good news, i can fix it." murray lead on, walking inside from outside.
-"great!" will cheerfully smiled, relieved.
-"bad news, it'll take a lot longer than an hour. you're not going to make it back on the road before dark." he informed us.
my heart sank a bit, i did not like the idea of staying here overnight.
-"you guys could just take my guest room downstairs. you'll leave first thing in the morning. sure, you'll miss school but it's not the end of the world." he suggested, waiting for a response from us.
will groaned under his breath, looking at me.
-"do you want to?" he whispered to me.
-"what choice do we have?" i whispered back, receiving a shrug.
-"uh, sure. do you mind if i just use the couch, or..?" i ask him, getting a weird look from him.
-"i'm sorry, what?" murray asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
-"mike, you can use the bed. ill just use the couch." he offered me.
we both were way taken back by murray laughing and throwing his head back while looking up at the ceiling.
-"what is this? another lover's quarrel." he sighed, making my heart sink.
-"wow, i'm getting a great sense of deja vu. another wheeler and byers couple. how ironic." he shook his head, referring to nancy and jonathan.
-"woah, woah, slow down!" i shrieked.
-"we're not gay! we're friends!" will chuckled awkwardly.
-"100%, we're just friends!" i defended, interrupting will.
he just glared at us for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter again. will and i shared a confused look with each other.
-"just like your brother and sister. in denial." his laughter died down.
-"we're not.. in denial!" i yelled.
-"what makes you think we're.." will lead on, hesitating to continue that sentence.
-"what.. gay?" he sarcastically gasped.
-"how disgraceful!" he joked, laughing.
-"why would you think him and i were a thing? neither one of us are gay." i spoke for the two of us, receiving a pity and awkward look from will.
-"well, for starters.. you've both got history, great chemistry, and shared trauma. thats the real shit." he explained, drinking vodka.
-"you're just like your brother, will. trust issues, because of your dad." he nodded.
-"what? no." will denied, stuttering and looking more nervous than before.
-"yes, youre very sensitive. very fragile, i assume. you never open up about how you feel because you're afraid of people bullying and slandering you for your feelings." he calmly continued.

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