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after will had explained exactly what he explained to me to the rest of our friends in his bedroom, they were overwhelmed in shock just as i was.
-"shit, how is that even possible?" max crossed her arms.
-"i don't know.. im still processing it." will mumbled, looking down at his hands.
-"do people at school know i was there?" will spoken again, receiving no's from all of us.
-"what now? i mean, who would do this?" max emphasized, looking stressed.
-"i wish i knew, nobody was around. it was just her." will replied to her, giving barely any eye contact.
we all sat there in silence, very awkward silence.
we all noticed when will put his hand on the top of his head, softly wincing.
-"are you okay?" el asks, nothing his pain.
-"yeah, it's just a headache." he shook his head, covering it with his sleeve.
-"ive been having those too.. you want some tylenol?" max asked, taking out a pill bottle from her bag and throwing it to will.


-"you guys don't have to be here, you can go back to school or whatever. i'm fine here.." will announced after dry-swallowing pills.
-"will you be at school tomorrow?" lucas asked, as all of us stood up from the floor.
-"yeah, i will." he hesitantly mumbled, following our lead outside the front door.
lucas, dustin and i stayed back as the two girls were ahead of us, getting ready to leave.
they turned around when noticing we were still with will.
-"we'll catch up with you!" dustin yelled as we watched the bike away towards the school.

-"what is it?" will scowled after we turned our attention towards him.
-"will, we're sorry about the d&d thing. max really needed me since her mom fled town." lucas apologized, leading on to dustin.
-"my mother wouldnt let me leave the house and suzie and i got into an argument." dustin went on.
-"el and i had a fight too, as i was leaving my house.. i just lost track of time." i replied, shamefully, looking at the disappointed look on his face.
we all waited for a reply, before he shook his head and looked down.
-"it's okay, i get it. you couldve at least called to tell me, though." will suggested with a flat voice.
-"we know, we really are sorry." dustin nodded, looking at the both of us to continue for him.
this was the time.
he needs to know about hellfire.
he deserves to know.
who knows, maybe he'll want to join after all.
-"theres actually something you should know.." i mumbled, hoping lucas would continue for me.
-"we've actually been playing d&d this past year.. without you." lucas bared, trying to distant his eye contact.
weirdly, will didn't look too surprised. maybe he didn't know what we were talking about.
-"we joined something called th-"
-"the hellfire club." will finished dustin's sentence for him, surprising all of us.
we all looked at each other with widened eyes, not knowing he already knew.
-"yeah, i already knew. but its whatever.. i don't care." will assured us, putting out a smile. a smile to me that looked a little forced..
-"are you sure you don't hate us?" dustin asked, looking relieved.
-"i could never hate you guys. i was gone for a year, i guess i understand.." he nodded his head, pulling all three of us in for a hug.
i felt like a wave of relief washing over me, making a smile appear on my face.
that went smoother than i imagined.
-"we'll see you tomorrow, byers?" dustin snapped his fingers as we were walking down the driveway.
-"sure!" he called, waving to us.
we all peddled our bikes up the street to sneak back into school, hopefully without getting caught.
-"lucas, what happened to your car?" i randomly ask, forgetting he even had one.
-"my dad's fixing it because the piece of shit broke down." he affirmed, gaining a nod from me.

i gotta say, i'm so glad wills not mad at me anymore. i hate making him mad, or sad. i'm glad that's now over with.
from here on out, i will never purposely hurt his feelings again.
will i?

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