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I walked into school the next day, expecting to have all the attention on me because of what had happened a few days before, but i was shocked to see people surrounding the lockers in the hallway.
i kept waking down the halls, hearing whispers and mumbling.

"it's so tragic"
"he died the same way chrissy died."
"who's doing this?"
"are they really gonna shut down school?"

i pushed passed the crowd to see what people were surrounding. it was Jason Carvers locker.
people put pictures up and flowers.

Jason is dead.

another death in Hawkins.
Max - "This shit is crazy." max remarked while standing beside me.
"when did this happen?" i ask.
Max - "while you and Mike were in illinois." she quietly answered.
everyone had seemed to forgotten about me and mike, but now another student is dead.
what if one of us could be next?


I walked down the hallway after 6th period, going to the studyhall room when i heard my name being called.

"Will? do you have a moment?" Ms kelly asked from down the hall.
i did not want to talk to her. i had been avoiding her the past few weeks because she knows everything about what i've been through. i don't like rehashing the events.
i subtly rolled my eyes and made my way towards her office.
as i was walking down, i saw Tina Meyer walking out of her office, crying.
i didn't know why, but she looked almost sick.

i sat down and layed my bag on the ground next to me.
Ms. Kelley - "i've been trying to find you this past week, but you've missed almost each day. is everything alright?"
"yeah, it's just the weather. i have a cold from allergies and stuff." i lied.

Ms Kelley - "okay. i just wanted to check up on you. Your grades have been slipping. you're usually an A honor roll student. your spanish and latin grades are both Cs.
"oh.. yeah."
Ms. Kelley - "that's not like you."

i stared into my lap, trying to avoid her gaze.
Ms. Kelley - "how are your headaches? are they feeling any better?"
i shake my head, trying to avoid her questions so i could get out of her office as soon as possible.
Ms. Kelley - "look will, i know you've gone through a lot this past year. but i just want you to know i'm always here if you need anything. you can talk to me." she looked at me with empathy.
"thanks Ms. Kelley, but i'm fine-"
Ms. Kelley - your mom also told me that you've been getting nightmares every so often. wanna tell me about them?"
i looked up from my lap, a little annoyed.
- "when did you talk to my mom?"

she ignored my last question, expecting me to answer hers. i didn't want to tell her what they were about. i didn't want to open up too much. i can't even trust her.
-" I don't know.." i mumble.
she sighed, knowing i didn't want to be there.

she doesn't know anything about my life. why would she think i could trust her to open up?
i walk down the hallway and towards the bathroom.
the last thing i wanted to do was go into science , especially since mikes my lab partner. i've been avoiding mike all day. we haven't talked about the other night. i dread the conversation.
i dropped my bag at the ground next to the bathroom sink and splashed my face, feeling another headache coming along. i grabbed my back and reached for the medicine i kept in my bag, but before could i felt a huge wave of nausea come over me.
i rushed into the stall, locking it behind me and hovering over the toilet, throwing up.
i lied to ms. kelley about being sick, i guess this might be my karma.
i wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, feeling sick. i didn't want to get back up, especially when i heard the bathroom door opening.
i quickly stood up, not wanting anyone to see me. i peeked under the stall and saw someone walking towards my stall. they slowly stepped until they were facing my direction in the stall.

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