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word count - 1,376

1985 October, 28th

"Dustin, you have five seconds to get in the car", I yell from down stairs, waiting. He always did this, always made us late. Always talking to Suzie or having some last minute homework to do.

My little brother was a handful but I did my best while our mother worked. I love my brother to death but sometimes he really needs to hurry up, so we're not late everyday.

My hand rested on my hip as I waited by the door with his bag of lunch. I was the photographer for the school paper and If I was late, Nancy would have an absolute cow.

It honestly wasn't fair, but then again she was kinda of bitch to me. Wheeler was always mean to me ever since she dated Steve, even after they broke up.

Dustin came running out of his room with his Hellfire shirt on and his backpack half way off his shoulder, "Finally". I breathed out as he flew passed out the door grabbing the lunch out of my hand.

"peanut butter?", he said to me as we both walked out of the house. "yes, with no jelly". A smile appeared on his face as he made his way to my car.

He opened the door but stopped looking at me,"Don't forget I'm having hellfire here tonight". I nodded slowly as I got into the drivers seat.


When dustin mentions hellfire, goosebumps ran down my spine as my thoughts bring me to think about him.

His long hair resting on his shoulders while he fumbled with the silver rings on his fingers. The rings that feel cold against my skin, making me shiver to the touch.

God, I really need to pull myself together. We were just messing around after all. It was suppose to be for fun, nothing more.

Nothing more.

"y/n, the light is green", Dustin says looking at me as my hand rested on the steering wheel. "oh, shit sorry just thinking about the paper". I started to drive forward as we headed towards school.

My eyes looked over at the clock seeing we weren't gonna be totally screwed but we would just make it. I pulled up into one of the spots we headed into the school parking lot.

Dustin immediately ran out going towards the school and I laughed shaking my head, "well goodbye to you to". I yelled at him and he waved, turning back around.

A sigh left my lips as I grabbed my bag, locking my car heading towards the school entrance. There were still a few kids on the hallways seeing the bell hadn't rung yet.

I headed towards my locker, putting some books inside before closing it. My head turned seeing him from a far. His eyes we already looking at me, as Gareth talked to him.

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