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••word count - 1,301••warning - smutty ;)•

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word count - 1,301

warning - smutty ;)

Your know that feeling when your heart is racing faster then anything you've ever know. Goosebumps on your skin perk up, and your gripping onto the sheets. Your legs suddenly feel like jello from the shaking.

Heavy breathing is heard against your ear. Your trying your best to keep it together as his hands grip onto your sides.

Your mind is suddenly blank and all you can think about is him.

pure bliss, that's what that is.

My body was pressed up against Eddie's dresser as he stood close to me, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I squeezed his arm as he nibbled my neck. He suddenly picked me up, placing me on his dresser.

Eddie's hands gripped onto my thighs as he held me me close. Our lips pressed against each other as his tongue slid in my mouth. His hands made their way to my hips , pulling me close to him.

I hummed against his mouth wrapping my hands around his neck.

I missed him.

I kept my eyes close trying to control myself. My hands made their way to his hair as she gripped slightly. A groan left his mouth, making his lips move down my jaw to my neck.

"fuck eddie..", I moaned out and felt a smirk against my skin. He left some hickeys on my neck before moving to my collarbone, "You're always so pretty." Eddie mumbled against me.

His hand inches up going under my sweater pulling it up revealing my breasts. He raises an eyebrow, staring at me, "No bra?".

A smirk rested on his mouth as he attached his lips to one sucking lightly. My headed tilted back as a moan escaped my mouth. His other hand cupped the other one as he moved his head to the other nipple.

My legs gently squeezed around him and I looked down at him, staring at me, "such a good girl for me".

His hands traveled down to the waist band of my shorts, pulled away staring at me, "are you sure about this?". I nodded, breathlessly, "yeah yeah". He slowly slide my shorts off, making them dangle at my ankles.

I tossed them off and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back onto my lips. He gripped onto my  thigh, as his tongue fought mine for dominance.

His hand inched up to my underwear, feeling me slightly. My breath hitched against his mouth as he began to lightly teases  me.

I took his bottom lip into my mouth, biting it softly. A groan left his mouth and he pulled away. He dropped to his knees, opening my legs up more. Eddie's lips kissed my inner thighs, making warmth pool in my stomach.

My legs lifted up resting on his shoulders and his brown eyes look up at mine, "you're soaked, sweetheart and have been since you into my van." He said it like it was the most obvious fact in the world.

He moved my underwear to the side placing his thumb against my clit rubbing in circles. I instantly moaned at his touch.


Eddie's hand grab onto my thighs pulling me
closer to the edge. He got closer to me as his tongues swirl against my folds, and a gasp escaped my mouth.

"f-fuck", I cries out as he continue to tasted me. He looked back up at me, "always taste so good". I tilted my head back as his tongue explored my folds traveling up to my clit.

My hand goes onto the top of his head, gripping onto his hair as he lightly sucked. Pleasure ran through my body like a shock wave.

I moved my hips against his mouth as Eddie's name kept spilling out of my mouth.

His fingers found there way into me, moving in and out. The fingers inside me found a cruel rhythm, curling right under the spot I wanted them to.

"i'm gonna..", I tried to get out before releasing myself into his mouth. His mouth stayed on me as Eddie helped me ride out my high.

I finally let go of his head and he pulled away with his lips all swollen. He stood back up, licking his lips, "exhausted, doll?". He stared at me as I tried catching my breath and I nodded. His lips pressed small kisses on my face as I started to calm down.

Eddie fixed my sweater pulling it back down before lifting me off his counter and placing me onto his bed.

He grabbed a water and handed it to me, "drink some". I grabbed the bottle and pressed it on my lips before setting back down. "Thank you".

He laid down next me, pulling me closer to his chest and lightly played with my hair, "missed you". That I've noticed he's been saying to me all day.

Then it clicked in my brain.

I moved my head to look up at him, "having nightmares again?". His eyes didn't meet mine as he nodded and I sighed. I knew he didn't wanna get into talking about it.

He never did, I never knew what the nightmares were. I didn't bother asking either. When he was ready to tell me, I'll be here.

I placed my head back down and gently rubbed his arm with my fingers, "it's okay ed's, I'm here now".

My eyes closed, and I felt kisses being placed on my forehead before falling asleep.


I sat on the edge of the bed as rain poured down outside. My eyes look over at the clock seeing how early it was.

I look over my shoulder seeing y/n sleeping. A sigh left my lips as I got up going into the kitchen. I grabbed a coffee mug and set it down, making some coffee in the pot.

Thunder rumbled through the sky, making lightning shoot across echoing loud through the trailer. I suddenly hear small footsteps come out of my room.

My head looked over seeing y/n standing there, gripping to the hem of her sweater. I chuckled a little as her hair was a mess. A yawn escaped her lips as she looked at me, "what are you doing up so early".

"Couldn't sleep", I said turning back, waiting for the coffee to be done. She moved closer to me, "you okay?".

I nodded and looked back over at her as she stared at me with concern. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"I'm alright, sweetheart. Go back to bed", I lightly kissed her head and she pulled away, walking back into my room.

I turned back around grabbing the pot of coffee, pouring it into my cup. I made my way over to the living room, sitting on the couch.

I took a sip of my coffee before setting it back down. The rain started to get heavier and thunder came rumbling through the trailer again.

My head turned seeing y/n walk back out of the room with a blanket over her. She came over to me and laid down, placing her head on my lap, "scared of the storm?".

Her headed nodded, making me chuckle. I placed my arm around her playing with her hair. She grabbing to my arm and held onto it, closing her eyes.

I smiled looking down at her. I don't know what I would do with out her. Ever since I stepped foot in family video and she came up to help me. I couldn't get her out of my head.

I never felt so consumed by someone. She made the pain go away, the nightmares go away. Everything felt right with her.

Keeping this a secret was so hard. I just hope she didn't wanna keep this a secret forever.

Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now