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••word count - 1,709••

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word count - 1,709

The silence at the table was uncomfortable. Everyone sat in their chairs, eating away the food. I tried keeping my head down as best as I could.

Eddie's eyes wandered over to mine, and every time they did, I looked away. My father sat at the end of the table while my mom at the other.

I grabbed the drink in front of me, putting it to my lips when my mom started to speak. "So Dustin, are you excited for Christmas?". He shuffled in his seat before responding as I set the cup down.

"Yeah, can't wait," he said, and I gently played with my food with my fork. My appetite was long gone with all this tension. Sitting in the same room as Eddie and my dad was so awkward. Of all days, it had to be today.

My dad suddenly spoke up after a while. "You doing alright, y/n?".

I just nodded, not speaking, not making eye contact. Just sitting there in silence. My mom set her fork down, looking at me, "Don't be rude now."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I spoke before taking a small bite of my food. Eddie cleared his throat before taking a sip of his water.

This was the most uncomfortable thing I've ever dealt with. I literally wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.

My dad started a small conversation with Robin, making her go on and on about something. She was always the best at doing that. I began to relax a bit as things started to get a little better.

Dustin suddenly looked over at me, "y/n that guy called the other day." I looked at him, confused for a moment. Eddie's eyes suddenly landed on me as he chewed on his food.

What the fuck is he trying to do?

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What the fuck is he trying to do?

"What guy?" I tilted my head to the side, and he shrugged. " That uh one guy, oh Noah." Dustin looked over at Eddie as he saw him staring at me. I just rolled my eyes and looked back down at my plate.

Eddie shuffled in his seat, resting his hand under his chin. My eyes looked over at his as he stared at me.

"Who's Noah?" he mouthed, and I shook my head at him. "none of your business." I mouthed back.

Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now