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•• warning - smut ;)•• word count - 1,679•

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warning - smut ;)

word count - 1,679

"fuck me till I forget his name"

"Gladly", the words leave his mouth as his lips attach onto mine. Eddie was gripping onto my legs as his tongue slide into my mouth.


My back hit the mirror as he began to lick around my mouth, sucking at my tongue.

My hand instantly went to his hair as a moan escaped my mouth into his. Our tongues slide against each other and his body presses against mine. I gripped onto his hair as his mouth traveled down to my neck.

I gasped slightly as he nibbled my skin, leaving a hickey. It was all happening so fast.

"Eddie..", I moaned out as his hands traveled up my dress. He pulled away from me as his hand stopped where it was going.

I stared at him for a moment, "You really sure about this? I just want-". He rambled on and I hush him, making him stop.

His eyes lingered on me before I grabbed him, putting his lips against mine again. He hummed against my lips as hands grabbed a fist full of his shirt.

I wanted him, I needed him.

My nose filled with his scent, cigarettes..and cologne. I moved my hands to the end of his shirt, slowly lifting it up.

Eddie's mouth pulled away from mine, leaving kisses all the way down to my collarbone. His eyes looked into mine, they were dark. His hands traveled up, lifting my dress up more.

It was bunched up by my waist and he slowly fell to his knees. A smirk appeared into his lips as he stared at my underwear.

"thinking about me at dinner, yeah?", he grabbed onto them sliding them down my legs, throwing them on my floor. He spread my legs wider as his head moved between my thighs, kissing them.

Eddie's eyes look up at me, fuck, I just wanted his mouth on me.

"look how pretty you are", he said, pulling away as he gently ghosted his finger over my clit, making me whine. "Eddie please". I couldn't bear it anymore.

"what, does my little y/n want me to touch her?", he tilted his head to the side, moving his hand up my thigh. He was such a god damn tease.

I dug my hands into his curly hair and pulled his head down to meet my entrance. He responded immediately, lapping against my folds, tongue dragging up and down, occasionally circling  my clit.

I leaned back, gripping onto the side of my vanity with his other hand. Eddie's tongue moved around me like he was starving, devouring every sense, consuming me.

"Jesus, fuck", I moaned, tilting my head back feeling pleasure run through me. His fingers found there way up to me as he plunged them inside.

Moans escaped my mouth as he stared up at me, "your such a good girl, for me". My eyes shifted back to his and I looked down seeing his erection poking up in his pants. His face looked back down as he kept going in and out of me.

Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now