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I sat on the couch as I stared at the snow falling outside. I pressed my cup to my lips, feeling the warm liquid coat my throat.

A whole week it's been, and where I am sitting in my trailer drowning myself in liquor.

I set the glass as my guitar sat between my legs. Suddenly feeling relief at the thought of sleep as I closed my eyes, they quickly opened.

Every time I closed my eyes, there she was. In my every thought, with every breath I took.

It was just her.

"you really didn't have to take me to dinner," y/n pressed as we sat in the booth. I chuckled at her word, shaking my head. "least I could do."

I stared at the girl in front of me as she put some hair behind her ear. She looked around the whole restaurant and then back at her menu, trying to figure out what to get.

She looked familiar, but I didn't know where I'd seen her before. I watched as she looked back at me, "so you a senior this year?".

I nodded, "yeah, 3rd time is a charm". She shook her head, picking her water up. "being in the yearbook three times, what a record."

My head tilted to the side as I stared at her realizing who she was. She was always taking photos of everything and everyone at school.

I remember her telling the boys and me to stop fucking around so she could take some of us. Very demanding, yet she was fucking adorable.

"Your y/n Henderson?", She put her cup down and nodded. "yeah?".

I hummed and looked down at my menu, "Thought I recognized you." She was about to say something, but the waitress finally came over.

A sigh came from my lips as the door to my trailer opened, seeing Dustin. "we're going to my house." I shook my head and got up, grabbing my guitar.

"Nope, nope," I make my way into my room, setting my guitar back up. Footsteps are heard behind me, and I turn as Dustin stands in front of me.

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Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now