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word count - 1,548

"You really expect me to believe that?" I stared at Eddie, shaking my head.

He scoffs, "Oh, come on now."

I laughed as he looked at me, "You seemed pretty interested in what she was saying rather than coming to find me."

"I tried to find you. There was a shit ton of people in there", he motioned over to the gym as we stood outside in the freezing cold. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Eddie stared at me with soft eyes, "I swear on my life, I couldn't find you." I just shook my head at him as he spoke to me.

"I saw you when I came in, and you didn't see me, so not my fault," I said as he looked at me. "Why didn't you come up to me then?".

I looked down, "I don't know." He let out a laugh as I looked back up at him. "I know why because you didn't want people to see you with the freak, right?".

My eyes narrowed as he spoke to me, "you just threw that one in my face, didn't you." He puts his hands on his hips, looking up at the sky.

"Well, it's pretty obvious" I can't believe he just said that shit to me. I glared at him before turning around. His hands grabbed mine, making me turn to look at him.

"Just let me alone, Eddie" I pull my arm away from him as I walk the other way. Away from him. I needed to get the fuck away from here.

Eddie called my name a couple of times, but I ignored him. After a couple of seconds, he stopped, making my head turn seeing him, and walked away. I turned back as I continued to walk home. I mean, why wouldn't he kiss her? She's pretty and a fucking cheerleader, for crying out loud.

Chrissy Cunningham is the fucking perfect girl, the perfect everything.

Of course, he would be dancing with her.

My feet led me down the sidewalk as I walked away from him. Robin had picked me up, so I guess I was walking home tonight.

As I kept walking, a van pulled up next to me. I turned over, seeing Eddie with the window down, "get in the van, y/n."

"No," I shake my head, continuing to walk. He groaned, putting a hand over his face, still driving next to me. Eddie kept trying to get my attention, yet I ignored him. "Jesus H, Christ."

He suddenly stopped getting out as he walked over to me, "get in the car." I stopped in front of him, shaking my head.

His hand rested on his hood as he stared at me, "y/n."


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Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now