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1985 June, 14th

"your full of shit", Eddie says as we sat on his bed. He held his guitar in his hands playing a soft tune. I shook my head. "I'm serious, I listen to Black Sabbath sometimes".

"Name one song", He said staring at me. "Paranoid". He narrowed his eyes and asked me to name another one.

"war pigs"

A chuckle left his mouth as he stopped playing and looked back at me. "You just seem so, not into those bands".

I rolled my eyes as I looked through the photos I developed over the past week. A smile formed on my face as I found one of Robin and me.

Ever since she moved here, I was so happy to become friends with her. I met her a while ago while applying to places everywhere in Hawkins. Steve was working at scoops at the time, which I refused to apply there.

It was like Erica Sinclair's ice cream free for all, everyday.

"Can I try the peppermint stick?", Erica said to Steve making him roll his eyes. "Haven't you tried that one already?". I was sitting at one of the tables at scoops, waiting for his shift to be over.

She smiles, "and I would like to try it again". A groan came from his mouth as he walked over grabbing a small spoon. He scooped some ice cream up and handed it to her.

A laugh left my mouth as she finally walked away with her friends. Steve turned to me with a glare, "You know you might end up having to work here too".

I shook my head, "no not gonna happen, plus I already got an interview at family video".

Steve was about to say something when a girl walked into side, "hey are you guys hiring?".

"Oh no no don't apply here, it's not worth it", I said getting up walking over to the counter

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"Oh no no don't apply here, it's not worth it", I said getting up walking over to the counter. "And no matter how much Steve tells you it's fine, he's lying".

Steve looked at me shaking his head, "thanks y/n".

I gave him a smile and he moved over to help some customers. The girl looked at us with a weird expression before shaking her head, "uh okay, we'll do you know any good places?".

Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now