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word count - 1,883

I fixed the short white dress as I looked at myself in the mirror. A cross hung down from my neck and a halo rested on the top of my head.

It was simple but it was a costume at least. I didn't know why I was so nervous, it was just a party. Eddie wouldn't be there anyways. Parties aren't his thing.

Yesterday was just something silly that happened, it was a dumb mistake. It needed to stop.

I grabbed my purse and put it over my shoulder, making my way out of my room. Dustin had already left with Mike to go back to Mrs. Sinclair's house. She told me she would keep an eye on them.

Mom, of course had to work again. It was unfortunate but it was normal for us. I shook out of my thoughts and made my way out of door. Steves car pulled up just in time as I was done.

Robin popped out of Steves car dressed like him. "Oh god, you actually did it", Steve groaned pushing his sunglasses up to his face.

"and here you are with the same costume from last year". I quickly got in the back and Steve took off down the road.


We finally got to nancy's , and there was drunk kids all over the lawn and in the house. I never really went to parties and I was kinda nervous.

A bunch of kids has costumes on and I slap myself in the head for not remembering my camera. I shrugged it off because it wasn't a big deal.

All of us piled out of the car and made our way inside and straight to the kitchen we went. Robin held onto my hand as we walked inside. "here, drink this", She immediately handed me a red solo cup. I put the cup to my lips and made a face.

Of course it was straight vodka. I grabbed something to go with it and poured it in the cup. I ending up drinking it all and grabbed another.

My eyes looked over seeing Robin already talking to someone.

Steve was god knows where and I was alone, great

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Steve was god knows where and I was alone, great. I looked over seeing Nancy and immediately walked away. I wasn't in the mood to deal with her attitude. I already deal with it at school.

Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now