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••word count - 1,057••

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word count - 1,057

"I ordered pizza", Dustin chimed to me as he walked back into our basement. "and how am I paying for that??".

I groan as he doesn't answer and rest my head back down on the table. His friend were coming over soon, my anxiety was high.

Eddie and I haven't really spoke much since school started other then last Tuesday when I needed a ride home. Even though we were with each other all summer, sneaking out doing god knows what. Yet he didn't really try after summer ended, but it was just a fling.

I lifted my head back up, writing things down on my homework sheet. After I was done, I placed everything back inside my folder. A sigh left my lips as I looked though the photos for the year book, picking out which ones were the best.

Suddenly the door rang and I sighed grabbing money from my wallet from the table as I got up. "Dustin your pizza", I said walking over to then door, opening it.

The money suddenly fell out of my hand as Eddie stood there with a cigarette behind his ear and was partly turned looking at the street. I quickly picked the money back up before he turned back around.

His head moved, looking at me and he smiled, "well hello there sweetheart". My eyes traveled down looking at him in his Hellfire t-shirt.

"missed me?", he said making me look back up, making me scoff

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"missed me?", he said making me look back up, making me scoff. "you wish". I walked away from the door going back into the kitchen and felt hands on my waist.

My back gently touched the wall as Eddie stared into my eyes. "don't lie now darling", he muttered into my ear, making chills run down my spine. His lips softly pressed against my face as he looked back into my eyes.

"you've been ignoring me", he softly said and avoided his eyes contact as he spoke. "why?". Before I could speak dustin's voice was heard through the house.

Footsteps were heard on the floor and I softly pushed him off of me before sitting back down at the coffee table. Dustin came running in the kitchen and smiled at Eddie, "Come on, we have a campaign to set up".

"Alright buddy, I'm coming", he said as Dustin headed back into the basement. I looked over at Eddie as he was already staring at me. "gonna just stand there and gawk, Munson".

A smirk formed onto his lips, "always". He winked at me before walking out of the kitchen downstairs.

Jesus christ, I need to get a grip.


My head suddenly lifted up from the table hearing yelling down stairs from the boys. I groaned looking over at the clock, it was late. I gathered all my stuff from the table, walking over to the basement.

I made my way to the stairs, "dustin it's getting late, don't be up to late.". I waited for him to answer back as I heard whispers.

"okay I won't, goodnight", He said and a giggle left my mouth as I heard multiple goodnight y/n from the boys. My head shook as I walked passed going to my room. A sigh left my lips as I shut the door and walked over to my dresser putting all my stuff down. 

I changed my clothes and placed my dirty ones in my hamper before I opened my window letting a breeze in. It was getting close to winter so it was a bit chilly in the fall.

I made my way over to my vanity going to brush my hair when a photo fell from the drawer I opened. I slowly picked it up seeing Eddie in the polaroid.

"you don't have to try it", Eddie says as I held the joint in my hands. We were in the parking lot of Family video as he always met up with me after work.

I always lied to my mom saying I was going to a girl friends house but I was really with Eddie. She never suspected a thing.

"I got it, I got it". I inhaled the smoke into my lungs and started to cough a bit. I handed it back to him, covering my mouth as I coughed, "Jesus christ".

A chuckles escaped his lips as he placed it back in his mouth, "I said you didn't have to". I tilted my head to the side giving him a look and he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Your an absolute child, Munson", I leaned my head against the van as we sat there while black sabbath played lightly through the speakers. He was sitting across from me as we sat in silence.

My eyes moved over to his as I felt him staring, "what?". He furrowed his eyebrows and leaned closer.

"what's the black shit under your eyes y/n", he said and I rolled my eyes at him. "it's eyeliner".

He hummed and leaned back, smoking the rest of the blunt. I heard noises suddenly and looked down at him rummaging through my purse.

I quickly grabbed it from him as he held my camera in his hands, "excuse me, why are you looking through my stuff".

"I wanted to take a picture", He said pointing the camera at himself, making a funny face. I giggled at him as he took one more and waited for them to developed. "there so you have one and I have one".

I placed the polaroid back inside my drawer before closing it again. Don't do it y/n, don't get attached because it never ends well.

I looked up at myself in the mirror as I brushed my hair trying not to think of Eddie. I couldn't help myself though, he was all I could think about since I met him at Family Video a couple months ago.

A knock was heard at my door and I sighed putting my brush down. Probably dustin wanting to ask me something. I walked over, "Dustin I said I was going to-".

I stopped talking once I saw Eddie standing there staring at me. A small smirk appeared on his face as he looked at me.

Before I could speak, his lips were already on mine and my hands were tangled in his hair

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Before I could speak, his lips were already on mine and my hands were tangled in his hair.

Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now