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1985 June, 4th

My legs kicked back and forth as Steve turned the sign to open on the door to Family video. I was absolutely exhausted and already wanted to head back to bed.

I was here 6 am everyday, since school ended. I hated it but we really needed the money. Ever since mine and Dustin's dad left it's been hard. Our mom did the best she could till I needed to get a job.

Now here I am working at Family Video.

Robin came from the back with a box of new movies, placing them on the counter next to me.

"do you always have to sit where I just cleaned", Steve said giving me a playful glare. I nodded with a smile as I looked back down at the box. Robin grabbed a copy of 'Sixteen Candles' from the pile, sticking it on the table.

My head looked up at her, "morning movie?". A smile spread across her face as she walked towards the tv.

Steve turned his head seeing some girls walk in and immediately rushed over to help. I rolled my eyes, as he began to talk to them. They looked so unamused if you wanna know the truth.

My eyes wondered over to the door seeing some guy with long hair and sunglasses on his face. I gave him a small smile as he walked in, going towards the horror movies.

"I'll put these away", I said to myself, grabbing the box and taking it to the new movies section. I set the box on the floor, grabbing some placing them onto the shelf.

My head turned seeing the guy that had walked in scanning through all the movies. He had a bandana shoved in his pocket with a chain hooked around the loop of his pants.

He moved his feet to turn looking at the other movies and my eyes lit up as a I scanned the back of his vest.


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I turned back to the self, fixing everything in the right place before grabbing another movie.

A yawn came from my lips as I finally placed the last one and picked the box back up. I looked over seeing the guy again, with his hands on his hips looking through all the movies once more.

Maybe he needs help, I thought to myself placing the box on the floor. I slowly walked over, "hi, do you need help with anything?".

His head turned towards me seeing his sunglasses were off. My heart beat increased in my chest as he stared at me with his brown eyes.

"uh just looking for Friday the 13th", he says giving me a small smile. I nodded and walked passed him, seeing it was on the top self. I stood on my tippy toes grabbing it and walked back over to him. "here".

As I handed it to him he looked back at me, "you know I could've grabbed it so you didn't have to". I shrugged at him. "I do it all the time, it's fine".

He nodded and I walked over to the box I left on the floor. I turned back around seeing the guy standing in front of me, "I'm Eddie by the way".

"y/n", I smiled and a chuckle came from his lips as he walked passed me to the counter.



The shift went on like any other. It would get busy then die down at the end. Robin and Steve already left as I was done cleaning everything after we closed.

After I was done, I quickly grabbed my purse putting it over my shoulder before walking out. I turned around locking the store up making my way to my car.

As I walked to my car, my eyes saw someone standing near the building with a cigarette in their mouth. I slowly walked to my car and stopped hearing a "hey".

I looked over seeing the same guy I saw to today in the store. He threw his cigarette bud away coming closer.

"y/n, right?", He gave me a smile and I nodded slowly as he stood on the side walk. "yeah, and your Eddie".

A small laugh came out of his mouth, "yeah Eddie Munson". I stood there for a moment realizing who he was.

Eddie Munson, the drug dealer. the guy who has done senior year 2 times already.

the 'freak' of Hawkins. Or so they say.

"what are you still doing here?", I say shaking out of my thought as he looks at me. Eddie shrugs and stepped closer. "you know was gonna return this but it seems your closed already".

I sigh looking at the tape in his hand and slowly move off my car. My hands motion him to follow me as I led me back to the store, "you don't have to-".

He starts to talk and I shush him, "just be quiet, it's fine". Eddie puts both his hands up in defensive as I opened the door with my key. I opened the door for him to go but he stops "Ladies first".

I roll my eyes and walk in as he followed me. He sets the tape on the counter and I grab it putting it under the counter and grabbing paper writing on it.

I put the stick the paper on top, putting the pen away and look back at Eddie. He stood there with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth on his heels.

he was quite pretty. was that weird ?

"You know it's not nice to stare", I hear and shook out of my thoughts making eye contact with him. "Sorry".

That was embarrassing. I made my way back over to the door motioning him out and locked it as we both made our way outside.

"Well see you around, Munson", I said making my way back to my car and he stops me. "Wait do you wanna get food or something ?".

Is he being serious?

I put my hands by my sides as I stare at him, "come on, it's the least I could do since you walked all the way inside to put the movie back".

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He didn't seem like an axe murder. Plus I never really went out much anyways with work all the time.

A sigh left my lips, "yeah alright. why not?". He smiled at me before telling me to follow him. I nodded, getting into my car.

It wouldn't be so bad right? What's the worst that could happen.

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