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word count - 1,192

I anxiously pulled at my sweater sleeve as I walked into school. That phone call I had with Robin on Saturday was the most awkward thing ever.

"he just took me home is all", I said holding the phone to my ear trying to be quiet. Dustin was still in the other room not paying any attention.

I heard a sigh, "that's all? he threw you over his shoulder". A laugh came out of my mouth. "yeah he was just making sure I didn't drink anymore".

Robin stood silent before speaking, "are you sure y/n? it just seemed a little weird to me".

"You guys seem very comfortable around each other", I bit my lip and a nervous laugh came out. "no no, he was messing around.  We just had a small conversation and he took me home".

"okay...? well  i'll see you Monday", She said and I said the same before hanging up.

Robin isn't dumb. I know she's gonna try to ask me about it again. I'm just scared the whole school would end up finding out. I mean we were just being friendly at the party. That's all it was.

A yawn came from my lips as I walked down the hall.
It was early, which I never was but Dustin had to be here for something for Hellfire. He ran passed me already going into the theater.

I sighed going to the photography room. It was locked, shit. Nancy wasn't here yet, seeing the lights were off and it was empty.

Guess i'll go into the theater. I made my way back and opened the door seeing all the boys. I took a seat in one of the chairs, looking over at all of them talking.

Eddie points to papers and shows them something in the book. They all nod and Eddie leans over the table.

Something dangles from his neck, did he get a new necklace?  I shrug and waited in there for a while till the bell rang.


"you didn't bring your camera ?", Nancy said glaring at me. I chewed on my lip and she rolled her eyes. "it's fine, i'll just use the photos I have".

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Fatal Attraction // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now