Chapter 1

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Her breath blew fog in the cold night. She pulled herself against a wall carefully while checking her surroundings. Her spacial awareness helped her mark the positions of three individual men walking around the docked ships bottom deck.

She moved silently as she stalked towards the first unsuspecting man. He was watching the resplendent store signs in the distance and didn't have time to react to slim yet strong arms wrap around his neck and lay him down gently as he fell unconscious. She moved his body carefully to a dark corner. She was thankful for the dark sky that shadowed her movements.

Her black cat suit kept her hidden as she slinked down the deck to the next man. This one was armed. He wasn't distracted either, his head kept a 360 view at all times and she had to duck constantly to keep her cover. A voice sounded in her ear and she swiftly adjusted her earpiece to keep it quieter.

"Three more incoming heat signatures are approaching above deck. Continue taking out lower deck security but don't risk anything." A soft female voice spoke gently to her keeping her informed. Thanks Nina, she thought to herself.

She snuck behind a large storage box on the deck before quickly slipping quickly towards the armed man who's back had turned. She moved with grace as she bounced around more storage units before wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands instantly went for his gun as he gasped for air. With a flick of her hand the gun was flung away. She was careful to place it gently against the floor. She was ready for the now red faced man to fall unconscious but he gave one last attempt to stop her by slamming a very sharp blade into her thigh. She inhaled a deep breath and couldn't control her arms tightening around his neck quickly snapping it.


She grabbed the not unconscious but dead man and pulled him to a wall. She herself leaned against this wall as support. She gently moved her hand over the knife sticking out of the bleeding flesh of her thigh. She could feel the metal blade and handle and sighed painfully. She should've noticed the metal weapon and moved out of the way. Unfortunately she'd been caught vulnerable especially to this unfamiliar metal. She ignored the searing pain as she swiftly yanked the knife out of her leg. She placed it on her belt for safekeeping. It fit nicely in a sheathed pocket.

She picked herself back up off the wall and ducked back to the cover of the storage units.

"What do you see N?" She whispered as she gently moved her hand to her earpiece making sure it was on.

"Heat signatures moving towards you. I think you've been spotted. One of them is right behind you."

Her reflexes spun her around to come face to face with an old pal.

"The Winter Soldier. It was a trap." She spoke not to the man standing in front of her but to the trustworthy woman on the other side of her earpiece.

"The infamous Kill Switch." He spoke harshly. He despised her and she knew it. He hunted her like a dog and was obsessed with stopping her. She was glad her hood and mask covered her face from the approaching Soldier.

"They don't call me Kill Switch anymore."

"Erika be patient. I can pick you up in ten minutes. Keep him busy." She heard Nina speak to her. It always took a little time for Nina to rearrange failed plans. She could be patient. She'd never been caught before so why start now.

"Well I'm not exactly known as the Winter Soldier anymore." He moved towards her and she carefully back away. She could take him anyway but it was better not to start a fight while she knew there were multiple people ready to come to his aid. Though she knew she could take them, as long as they weren't avengers but he normally worked alone when he hunted her.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now