Chapter 8

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"It's not really an errand more like we just go for a run to the coffee house for a drink. You, me, Bucky, and Sam. It'll be fun." Steve encouraged.

He shot Erika the finger guns which she rolled her eyes at.

She was getting dragged along to whatever the Avengers felt like and she was starting to understand why it had almost been easy for her to grab the position. If it wasn't for Tony's ego.

Erika followed after Steve,Bucky, and Sam.

"Hey doesn't this fall into the time that Natasha asked about working on the Kill Switch case?" Erika asked. Bucky nodded.

"Yeah, we'll head back around that time. We just wanted a reason to go now." Bucky informed.

"You guys are gonna get on my nerves fast."

Steve laughed and Erika was fighting the urge not to punch his lights.

They left the avengers tower and walked down the streets of new York until they came across a cozy coffee house known as Java Rush.

It had hand painted art on the windows that announced the fact that the coffee being sold was "Too good to be True!".

"Ever been here before Erica?" Sam asked as he held open the door. It gave a ding of movement.

"I've barely been in New York a week. Haven't had much time to explore." Erika said, she smiled at Sam politely as she walked in behind Steve.

"That what we're for! See it's not so bad that we keep dragging you along." Steve walked over to cashier.

He ordered something simple for all of them. Not coffee but lemonade and sandwiches. A weird choice to Erika but it didn't seem odd to Sam and Bucky. She assumed Steve had ordered something like this before.

There was a booth in the back of the shop that Steve, Sam, Bucky, and Erika sat in. Steve and Sam were sitting together on one side while Erika and Bucky were on the other.

Her stomach flopped just as it had before. Bucky had scooted close to her in the Booth, not that there was much room to move farther away without falling out of the booth.

"Erica how's being an Avengers personal assistant?" Sam asked, he messing with the pepper container at the same time.

Erika just gave him a look as she thought about what exactly she'd done so far. Lots of scheduling, sparring Bucky, deliver mission reports, helping navigate the servers, delivering supplies for Bruce, and now just following every dumb command sent by the bet.

"I'd say so far so good but I'm starting to see that you guys are a handful. No wonder there was a position for it in the first place. I'm sure there's already other people doing excess scheduling and editing reports but I'm tasked with actually being your assistant." Erika rested her chin on her hand as he elbow sat on the table.

"You'll come to love us." Steve said and they all nodded in agreement.

"You guys have probably made this the most welcoming job I've ever had."

"It's definitely not the Navy." Bucky said giving Erika a shoulder bump. She pushed him back and he almost fell out of the booth.

"I should probably meet and get assorted with the rest of the Avengers in the Tower. Who's often there and who's not?"

"Well lately Steve, Sam, Bruce, and I are in the Tower. Nat is there every so often and Tony owns it. The original avengers have their own rooms there's. Thor hasn't been around in a little while. He's always doing his own thing. Clint is normally with his family. Wanda comes and goes. Vision is normally with Wanda. They only normally arrive when Tony throws a party or an important meeting." Bucky told Erika.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now