Chapter 17

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She mostly wondered what Bucky was doing...

>°Bucky's POV°<

Bucky hadn't seen Erica in three days. She missed two shifts and had left her devices at the Tower. (He'd already tried to track them).

Tony, Steve, Sam, Natasha, and anyone else reciprocated their worry for her. Especially after her incident with Hydra a week prior.

Bucky had finally decided that he would find Erica today. Tony had been busy working through nearby cameras in the city and any satellite imaging that was close enough to find her. Bucky had never felt so worried before or at least not like this.

His heart was racing 24/7 as he rushed around the Tower trying to find someone or something to help him. He'd been working closely beside Tony and Natasha as they scanned street recordings.

"Any news?" Bucky asked. He wasn't necessarily hopeful but he knew no matter what he'd find her. Because it was his job and he'd never felt so captivated by someone before.

"Yes. We got something. When she left the tower she walked only a short distance before turning into an alley." Natasha said, she stood up from her chair beside Tony.

"So we got to the Alley?" Bucky asked.

"That's not all. We assumed she was kidnapped... by Hydra. The next thing to come out of that Alley is a van with tinted windows and a man in the driver's seat with what resembles a Hydra symbol tattooed on his upper arm."

"Shit! It's my fault. They took her cause of me." Bucky started. Nat shushed him and shook her head. "It wasn't your fault and No Matter what the reason is we're gonna find her."

Bucky sat down on a chair nearby and let out a breath. They were all gathered in a corner of the lab.

"Do we have a location?"

"Technically we have two." Tony rolled around to face Bucky in his chair. Natasha stood beside them with her arms crossed.

"What do you mean?"

"Well Hydra members may be annoying but their not all dumb. They pull into another alley before two identical vans pull out of it. They arrived at different locations."

"One of them is a fluke while the others where Erica is being kept." Nat rolled her shoulders as she stared at the computer screen.

"Excuse me?" A voice piped up from the entrance of the lab.

When they looked over Bucky saw Carlos, the newbie. He wasn't sure what exactly he had to do that was necessary for him to be there. Bucky was honestly already overwhelmed and didn't need some random staff member making it worse.

"Not the time Pratchett." Tony started.

The man only shook his head at them. "I overheard your issues about Erica. I've been doing some of my own investigating." Carlos stepped into the lab. Tony was shaking his head as if he wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. Nat glowered at him as she stood unmoving. Like a statue with a tremendous amount of sas.

"You'd be stupid not to check tire size and plates. Even if they are identical. There's a clear difference in the vans." Carlos sat down pulling out his laptop that was decked out in stickers that were based on Stephen King, Star Wars, and anything and everything that screamed geek alert to Bucky. It felt familiar to himself in a way. Except the needless obsessing over such things.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now