Chapter 13

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Erika's eyes opened for the second time that day.

She rose from her bed feeling nothing but a deep pit of mixed emotions bubbling inside her.

Jae had been right though and whatever Nina had forced into her mouth a couple hours earlier had healed her wounds quickly. Erika still had small bandage patches instead of full wraps on her previous gunshot wounds. They were now no longer there but she hoped Bruce would find some scientific way to explain it.

When Erika stood up her first thought begged her to rush out of her room and to Bucky's side. She had to remind herself that Erica Hodge didn't know Bucky had gone out to face Kill Switch.

She got dressed as usual. Black blouse and gray slacks. She had black flats on and straightened her hair.

She stared at her face in the mirror. Was Nina right? Would he ever love Erika Callahan? Erika hated herself for asking such deprivating questions. Insecurities should be the least of her worries.

When she finally tore her eyes from the mirror she headed towards the door. As soon as the clock hit the hour her shift began she heard a noise.


She looked over at her nightstand. Her watch had buzzed. She had almost forgotten about it. When she wrapped it around her wrist she read it's round face.

Sam Wilson, Lab, 1

This had to be about Bucky. If Erika remembered correctly then 1 was an emergency.

She took a deep breath and headed to the door of her room in the Tower. She started her way to the lab, back to Bucky's side.

. . .

"Erica." Sam greeted her before she entered the lab.

Erika went to walk in but then she heard yelling. It was both yells of pain and arguing.

"What's going on Sam?" Erika asked, she knew about Bucky but not whatever was causing such a big screaming match.

"Bucky's been in an accident. He's kinda hard to talk to right now. I thought you should know." Sam stood in Erika's way to the lab.

"You can't call me down here for an emergency and not expect me to want to check on him. Is Bucky okay Sam?" This time Erika didn't know. He looked pretty beaten earlier before Nina had whisked her away from him.

"Of course, I just didn't want you to walk in on them talking."

"That's not talking, that's yelling. I'll be fine Sam."

Erika pushed past him before he could stop her again.

Bucky was sitting up on a bed that Bruce had set up by a work station. He was covered in scratches and the signs of ash and dust.

Nothing too bad though, everything seemed only skin deep. Like falling off a bike. Except this was getting blown out of a moving truck.

Erika's hand went to her mouth still though. Tears started swelling her eyes and she wiped them away. These tears were happy, Happy he was still alive.

Bucky was talking to Steve and Tony in some heated argument. Bucky went silent as he saw her enter the room.

"God Steve get her out of here." Tony said waving off Erika's entrance. Sam had followed behind her shrugging at Steve and Bucky.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now