Chapter 14

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Erika had left the lab and started towards the Break Room. She was moving quickly and was honestly in a bit of a rush to get back to Bucky.

She'd almost sprinted down the halls and run into someone walking by.

She barely side stepped him and looked up to apologize but seemed to loose her voice.

He had stopped still as she moved by and only now turned to look at her, with one eye.

"Watch where you're going. Never know who's coming around the corner." He said. His voice alone told her who he was. Nick Fury. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The one man she feared deeply.

"I-I'm so sorry sir." Erika barely blurted out. He raised his brow at her and peered down to look at her completely.

He looked her up and down. "Where are you headed?" He asked.

"To do my job, I'm an assistant-"

"Figures." He cut her off.

"Excuse me?" Erika said impulsively. Her adrenaline was flared as her nerves went haywire. She bit her tongue when the words left her mouth.

"All you assistants never look where you're going. Speeding around hoping to get a promotion. Scurry away and finish your job." He began walking away but Erika put a hand on her hip and glared at him.

"Right, why are you here Director?" She shot a eye piercing stare at him. He seemed hardly affected.

"That's none of your business girl."

"Woman. I also think it's plenty of my business. I am the avengers personal assistant. I know the jurisdiction of my job." Her hand tapped against her waist as she looked at him.

He gave a laugh. "So I'm sure you're aware of the Kill Switch situation?" He offered. Kill Switch? He was here because of her?

"Fully, you here for Bucky?"

"Sure, I'm here for Bucky." He smiled and began walking away.

Cryptic son of a bitch. Erika thought to herself. There was nothing more frustrating than a half answered question. She didn't feel like testing further. Her stomach was bubbling with anxious jitters. Something about Fury caused her whole body to want to sprint away.

She pondered the interaction for a moment. What could Fury possibly want Bucky for? It surely wasn't to check on him. Something had to really be bugging him to come in like this. She assumed at least, from everything she heard.

Her attention was taken away again as her watch buzzed.

Crew Member, Break Room, 42

"I know!" She said to the watch, checking right after to see if anyone heard her scream at the watch.

When the coast was clear she headed back on her way to the break room. There was only one crew member she knew.

. . .

The break room was a cozy space with tables spread out amongst it. There were couches along the wall and a small kitchen. One wall was covered in windows letting in soft sunlight and letting everyone else look out at the view of the city below.

Erika knew instantly which table she was headed to when she saw him wave her over.

He had a sandwich in his hand and was munching away on it as she walked over.

"Erica!" He greeted her with a mouthful of a meatball sub. He gave her a big cheesy smile. She wasn't surprised to see he'd picked the table much farther from the rest of them.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now