Chapter 6

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Warning: Swearing

At any job you have both days off and vacation days. Erika had a single free day after the first two days of work. Something about not getting overwhelmed. It was also to give her time to catch up on any scheduling and filing she missed.

Erika was thankfully an intelligent and quick worker so she finished her work early and had time to meet up with Nina and Jae.

Nina had planned to meet Erika in a secluded room and teleport her to a safe location to talk. Erika of course left all stark products at home.

They almost didn't execute their plan but thankfully Nina pulled through and they now sat together at a fancy private  hotel room.

"Erika It's so good to see you again." Jae said giving her a hug.

"It's been exactly three days since we've been in each other's company. We've been separated for longer. Remember Iran?"

"How could we forget." Nina said before giving Erika a stare which told her to not bring that up.

"You've kept us updated on your social life with the avengers. I assume you collected the flash drive from your mailbox aswell?" Jae questioned.

"Right here." Erika patted her black purse sitting on the ground beside her as they talked while sitting at extravagant white table provided at the hotel.

"Good, Nina and I had some comments and suggestions we'd like to make on your current mission." Jae said which made Erika feel like she was preparing to be evaluated.

"Like what?"

"To start, you really need to work on fraternizing with the avengers more. Go out of your way to talk to them and not only when they request your help or assistance." Nina said.

"But, the avengers seem to like me-"

"Also, give Bucky our position. I know how that sounds. But it'll make you seem like a hero, easier to trust. Nina and I have already cleared out of our old apartment. We've left remnants of our stay but other than that we've found a better and closer place to New York to set up. This is the perfect opportunity to show competence and trust." Jae continued.

"You guys didn't ask me before you did that?" Erika said, she looked at Nina and Jae who seemed to be controlling the mission.

"It's all of our apartment and majority rules. Besides there's another perfect opportunity we're looking forward to." Jae started pulling out his portable case. He always had files and information on the go for explaining new missions or current situations. Erika started to feel that not being there really made her left out of all the decisions even of she called them daily.

"Yes, there's a export of technology and materials that would be perfect to get our hands on. It'll help replicate and counter act whatever metal is having a effect over you so we don't have the same issues." Nina smiled with excitement as she spoke.

"When, Where, and What's the plan?"

"Downtown Manhattan from a factory owned by Stark Industries. It'll be in about a week from now. We've started getting the plan down to specifics but it's still being changed." Jae passed Erika a couple papers of the vehicles and the factory's of the mission.

"It's basically gonna be an attack and distract mission. You'll go in Erika and start taking out guards and drivers, not literally, then I'll come in and start jumping all the technology to a safe place we can move them easily to our new residence." Nina gave Erika that basics of the plan. Erika worried for a minute about what the Avengers would think before she remembered that she was doing everything in spite of them and in spite of Hydra.

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