Chapter 3

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It was the end of summer. A weird time to Erika but good enough. She had to be someone else from now on. She was in New York and far from her friends. They didn't risk communication while she was in the building. Seemed like the quickest way to get caught and exposed. This had to be perfect. The day definitely seemed that way. Soft blue sky's only lighted parted by clouds rolling by. It was little hard to appreciate the sky when buildings touching it and were blocking your view on every side.
Manhattan seemed like a beautiful place but it was the least important thing on Erika's radar. She'd gotten an apartment not far from the Avengers Tower and had arrived early to start her interview.

Two weeks had flown by from when she spoke to Jae and Nina about this mission. Now she was here and everything started becoming real. She tensed up just thinking about it. She'd gotten good at an American accent over the two weeks. That didn't stop her from being terrified of getting caught.

Erika walked inside. She stuffed down the fear and sucked it up. The first floor had a couple people walking around Erika quickly.

"Hey do you know where I go for the Stark Interview." Erika asked someone quickly walking by and they just shrugged and kept going. Erika signed in defeat.

"Hey" someone said behind her. She turned and saw a lean and beautiful lady standing in very professional clothing. Erika had tried her best to dress a professional but this lady took the cake.

"Looking for the interview? I can take you there. I'm Pepper Potts and you are?" Pepper held out a hand while the other carried a box of files.

"Erica Hodge." She said taking it and giving it a proper up down center shake.

Pepper Potts led Erika to an elevator that she advised her would lead her to Stark's office. She gave a formal introduction and asked what she was applying for. Erika had answered quickly. Erika had known who Pepper Potts was and recognized her the minute she spoke. Erika had done her research before arriving at the tower.

Pepper Potts smiled as the elevator door dinger declaring their arrival. She let Erika exit first and followed after her. The Avengers Tower was very high tech in many ways and had a strong modern look. It was thoroughly clean and buzzing with activity.

Pepper had rapped a knock on a door before being greeted with a verbal response.

"Come in" the voice of what Erika recognized as Tony Stark, entrepreneur and designer of the lovely tech Jae never stopped using. He was also the creator of a weapon that weakened her. A twinge of dislike hit her and she ignored it.

"Mr.Stark this is Erica Hodge here for the assistant interview." Pepper stated in a very polite tone.

Tony gave her a confused stare. "Which assistant interview? Those don't normally go through me. Pepper please have her return at another time. I'm very busy." He spun in his chair and took a bite out of a bag of blueberries on his desk.

"Mr.Stark, I'm sure you'll want this interview to go through you. Erica will fill you in."

"Pepper honey, seriously-" He stopped talking as Peppers once soft and welcoming eyes narrowed sharply in a stare he seemed to know all too well.

"Alright! Come in Eliza."

"Erica" she corrected but then thought that with an ego as big as Tony's she may have to pull back on anything that can affect it. She also wanted to stand out to him in a way that would assure the position for her.

"Right." He said without even looking up to address her. "I'm applying for the Avengers Personal Assistant job." Erika said. She shifted in her gray dress slacks that barely matched her soft blue blouse she'd paired it with.

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