Chapter 18

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Erika woke up to a slight screaming her cell would let in. She had to blink multiple times to see anything as the bright lights blinded her.

She saw Nina teleporting rapidly around her cell as she was surrounded.

Erika stood up in alarm.

"Nina!" She yelled. Of course Nina could not hear her. She was screaming as they shocked her with rods everytime she teleported to a different corner of her cell.

When she finally couldn't take any more of the pain she slumped against a wall and just kicked them away.

They approached her like an animal and pinned her down. She squirmed as one of the operatives took out a empty syringe and collected what looked like a blood sample.

Nina looked sternly at the men while huffing as they pulled out another syringe.

They took many samples before finally injecting her with something that made her pass out completely.

"Oh god Nina." Erika muttered. Her hand shook as she held it to her face. She stared at her friend unconscious in her cell.

She jumped when her own glass door opened.

"You can make this easy Erika." They warned.

Erika shook her head. She searches their bodies for any metal vibrations letting her know she had something to control.

She felt a slight vibration and tried to hold onto it.

It was their syringes. She held out her hand and pulled the vibration towards her. Two empty syringes fell out of one of the cases they were carrying.

"Shock her!" An operative yelled.

A man approached her quickly holding a rod with a familiar taser on the other end.

Before he got to her she sent the syringes into his eyes.

Blood curdling screams erupted from the man.

She pulled the syringes from his eyes by hand. She avoided looked at his face and kicked him out of the glass cell.

There were three men in the cell with her and as the other one was removed the two left realized it was time to retreat.

They began to back away but Erika followed them out and stabbed the syringes into the necks.

They didn't scream and she removed the syringes and headed towards Nina's door.

An alarm started but Erika ignored it. She knew it would be sooner than later she'd escape and the alarm would go off.

Erika noticed the required key card access and grabbed one of the dead operatives cards and swiped.

The cell opened. Erika gave a gasp as she saw her friend.

She knelt down beside her and heaved her over her shoulder.

She had a person being held over her shoulder in one hand and a syringe gripped in the other. Her hair was distraught and she knew she needed to get off there.

Operatives flooded the hallway.

Erika pulled the needle from the syringe.

She held it in her hand and sent it through each and every operatives skull as she passed through them.

She was deadly.

She was Kill Switch.

Easily a regular person to a flat out killer. Hydra was on the receiving end of her wrath.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now