Chapter 12

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Erika's eyes fluttered open. Like they had been slowly lifting but were now finally allowed to open. It would've been a calm awakening if there hadn't been someone standing beside her bed.

Erika's arm swung and the figure teleported away. Erika let out a breath. It was just Nina. Erika blinked away the sleep to see the offended look on her face as she reappeared before her.

"Chill out Erika it's just me. You would've known we were coming if you had your earpiece in." Nina was suited up. Her black slip on suit with gadgets holstered on her sides. Like a anti widow. She probably would've ended up in that program had she gotten caught by Hydra years ago.

"Wear the earpiece to sleep? Yeah, no thanks. Hey why are you here? Tech runs at 9:00 pm." Erika squinted at Nina as she sat up in her new fancy bed in the Avengers Tower of all places.

Nina shook her head. "It's Tony Stark. He keeps changing the times I think he's expecting something to go wrong. Oh boy will it. He's changed it to 4:00 am in the goddamn morning. Can't get any damn sleep anymore."

"Your complaining? I can't seem to sleep without having nightmares at this point." Erika groaned.

"This is besides the point. Go get into your suit and let's get out of here. We're on a tight schedule." Nina tapped her wrist.

"All right white rabbit. Put away your pocket watch and let me get out of bed." Erika said lifting the covers. Erika could barely make out the sight of Nina rolling her eyes in the dark.

Erika suited up. She clicked on her hood covering her hair and face leaving a gap for her eyes. Nina never bothered with the hood anymore. Nina had given her a new suit to change into. It was identical to her last black cat suit except with streaks of yellow running down the sleeves.

Nine explained the sleeves would start glowing when she coming into contact with the same blade that had depleted all her powers.

"Good to go?" Nina asked as Erika exited her closet.

"As ready as anyone about to steal from a millionaire at 4:00 am." Erika sarcastically grinned beneath her hood.

"That's the spirit." Nina wrapped her arm around Erika's shoulder and they blinked away while Erika fastened her earpiece in her ear.

. . .

Nina dropped Erika off in the back of the truck. Almost immediately Erika had to fight.

Four armed men were sitting in the back. Erika through herself against the wall of the struck to avoid the swing of the first man who spotted her. She did some form of a parkour kick off and swung herself back to the necks of the men. Hitting one neck a foot. Their heads hit the sturdy metal wall of the truck and they fell to the floor.

Nina had grabbed onto the largest unit being transported before blinking away before they could notice she was there too.

Erika watched man reach for a radio. She quickly nabbed it and crushed it in one quick squeeze inside her clenched fist. She smacked their heads together with a teeth rattling hit and they slumped to the floor beside eachother.

Erika lifted her hand to her earpiece. "Four men down back here. Do you want me to get the driver?" Erika asked.

Jae's voice responded. "No, Nina has to clear out this truck before she takes you to the second and last one. Lay low and wait." The earpiece clicked as he finished speaking.

Erika sat down in the seat the men had earlier been occupying. She shuffled their unconscious bodies around so she could place her feet comfortably. When one of their bodies twitched she'd kick it into the cold floor of the truck.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now