Short Flashback

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"Just make sure they can't catch us this time."

That night Erika had a dream. It was Vivid Dream, Erika seemed to have another one. Except like the last one it wasn't just a dream as it was a memory. A memory she never wanted to remember...

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Erika was sitting in the Levitskys home. She was Kill Switch at the time. She was tied to a chair and being watched closely by the family.

Marisha, Sergei, Sasha, Anton, and Nina Levitsky all watched her. When she was free from the Kill Switch Mindset months later she'd learn how exactly they all fit together. Anton and Sasha were married, they were Nina's parents. Marisha was Sasha's sister and Sergei's mother. They were all a family and they acted as such.

"Who are you?" Marisha asked.

"KILL SWITCH!" Erika yelled at them, just as she had yelled ever time before that that they'd asked.

"No dear, your not. You're Erika Callahan. Hydra isn't here, you don't have a target." Marisha assured her. she stroked Erika's cheek making Erika's hand slam against the rope as she tried to attack. Marisha sighed and looked at the rest of the family.

She gave the cue and Anton and Sasha started reading from a sequence of words they had used to save others manipulated by Hydra. Erika just screamed as they spoke.

She's been with the Levitskys for a month at that point. They were smart enough to not bring metal near her and she was so weak it was hard to manipulate metal from far away.

Nina made a mistake that day. She'd arrived wearing a dog tag necklace. She'd stayed a far enough distance away from Erika that she assumed she was safe. What Nina didn't account for was when Erika through herself at her direction causing her chair to fall over with her in it.

Erika's body felt the metal like a vibration. It snagged it and started choking her. Marisha acted quicker and unwrapped the dog tag from around Nina's neck.

The one thing Erika wanted most was the speaking to stop. She sent the dog tag towards Sasha. Strangling the lady quickly.

"Erika Stop! You don't have to do this!" Sergei yelled. He and his Mother we're trying to block Erika's vision and help Sasha.

Anton didn't stop reciting the sequence. He continued talking while trying to save his choking wife.

He couldn't, she died before they realized just how powerful Erika could be while angry. Sasha had died that day from Erika's wrath and just out of spite so did Anton.

Erika strangled both of them with a single dog tag. Their last words? Save Erika. Real hero shit. They wanted nothing more but to finish the rescue they had started whether or not she killed them in the process.

It was only Nina's guilt that brought her to help Marisha and Sergei save her.

Marisha would also die. Not by Erika's hand but by Hydra's. On another mission Nina,Sergei, and Erika went on they lost Sergei. Flying over an ocean they went down. Sergei begged Nina to save Erika. He was lost at Sea. More than likely dead.

It's only a matter of time before there's no Levitskys left.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now