Chapter 23

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After the agent gave Erika a pair of sweats to change into he took them to the interrogation room.

The agent opened the door for Erika. He encouraged her to enter and she did so.

The room was empty and as soon as she entered the agent got to work at cuffing her to the table.

"How quickly did Tony make these special cuffs?" Erika asked. The agent didn't answer but cuffed her to the wooden table.

"Wood table? That's just embarrassing.", Erika didn't get any kick out of the agent.

He did a full 360 check of her to make sure she was all locked in though.

Erika just frowned.

She was getting chatty as her nerves started to rise. She'd never had to worry about such things as aggressive nerves during these things but now she had something to lose here.

She'd only interacted with Commander Hill once before while she was working as the Avengers Personal Assistant. Although that job ended incredibly quickly.

She couldn't imagine how Maria would feel. Lied to or Betrayed just like everyone else. Kill Switch had been right under her nose and now she had the privilege of investigating her.

The agent stood by the door and checked their account watch.

"Do you have a name?" Erika asked the agent.

Of course the agent ignored her once again. Erika felt a little judged. He knew only what he'd been told and now he was interacting with her based upon that knowledge.

To the agent she was Hydra Killer. A bad past and a not so bright future. Not to mention a liar and manipulator in the present.

Erika wouldn't wanna interact with someone like that either.

The door jingled as if being opened with keys.

Maria stepped in and looked around taking in the surroundings.

Maria avoided instant eye contact with Erika and instead waved to the agent.

"You're dismissed Lawson." She quietly addressed him.

So it was Agent Lawson who didn't want to talk to her. Erika just waved goodbye as best as she could with her cuffed hands.

Commander Hill closed and locked the door behind her as Agent Lawson left.

"Erika Callahan, Alias of Kill Switch and a Erica Hodge. Affiliated with Hydra and a Rogue group. Arrested for various crimes such as murder, theft, identity theft, arson, destruction of-"

"I get it. I don't need the full list." Erika stared forward. Staring at Maria through her eyebrows.

Maria just thinned her lips and adjusted the file of papers she had in her hand.

"So you're a assassin?"

"Former assassin."

"That doesn't change that fact that you were one." Maria said.

"Well I thought you needed that on your resume for the Avengers." Erika said grinning. Maria just stared down at the file and then back up with a straight face.

"This is an investigation Erika. An evaluation perhaps. Any regret, guilt, information about Hydra, redemption, admittance, or other variables in this case that will change the outcome."

"Where's Nina and Jae." Erika asked ignoring what Maria had said.

Maria narrowed her eyes at Erika and closed the file in her hands.

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