Chapter 25

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"Long time no see cousin."

"There's a fine line between love and hate and I've never hated you more." Nina said stepping forward to look at Sergei.

He gave a smug smile from the sky and then signaled to his men who leapt from the craft.

Super Soldiers.

"I thought they were all dead." Erika felt her eyes go wide in shock.

"Not thanks to you guys." Sergei then commanded the Super Soldiers to attack.

Erika and Nina looked at eachother than they approached the two supersoldiers.

Erika took one while Nina took the other.

There was a long fight between them as Erika and Nina tried their best to defend against these soldiers.

Erika swung at her soldier with no much luck. They had no metal she could feel on them and they overpowered her as they fought.

The super soldier forced her backwards and to the floor. They got on her and wrapped their hands around her throat. She reached out and caught hold of a stray piece of broken metal and pulled it towards her. She gripped it and jammed it into the soldiers throat.

They released their hold and she let out a gasp as air seemed to flow back in. The super soldier coughed and pulled the metal out of their neck.

"Hey!" A voice called. Erika whipped around to see Steve standing their beside a group of Avengers.

"Pick on someone your own size." He threw his shield and nailed the soldier in the chest.

He leapt over Erika and started fighting against the soldier.

As Erika looked over she noticed Nina and Natasha fighting the other super soldier together.

Erika watched a hand reach out to her.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked, pulling her upwards into his arms.

"I'm fine. Thank you. It's Sergei. He's making Super Soldiers."

"Sergei Levitsky?" Bucky looked confused.

"Yes, exactly." Erika pointed out of the Helicopter.

Bucky squinted as he looked up at it.

"We'll, shit."

Another super soldier leapt down from the helicopter and landed infront of Erika and Bucky.

The super soldier swung hitting Erika across the face sending he backwards.

"Hey!" Bucky leapt forward and seized the soldier by the throat before proceeding to go into a full fight.

Erika watched Bucky turn his back for a second and she threw up her hand and swung Bucky's arm using the metal vibrations. Bucky looked shocked when his arm punched the super soldier that received an advantage.

"Thanks." Bucky said and she nodded.

They teamed up against the soldier and moments later he lay unconscious on the ground.

All three of the super soldiers that had leapt from the helicopter were down.

They all crowded together to look up at Sergei who was at a loss.

His soldiers were defeated and his twisted plan to take down the people he once called family now seemed like a dream or perhaps a nightmare.

"It's over Sergei. Land the plane or we blow it up." Erika shouted.

Steve shook his head, "We aren't blowing it up" he muttered. Erika shrugged and Steve gave her a disappointed frown.

Sergei growled and reached back in the aircraft. When he came forward they all went wide eyed.

"Get down!" Natasha shouted and they all dove.

Sergei aimed his weapon and fired. A massive bullet fired and headed straight for Bucky.

Erika moved faster though. Turning herself in that direction managing to stop the bullet from it's original target. Doing so Erika let out a gasp.

Her knees hit the ground and her hands moved to the place of impact.

"Erika No!" Bucky shouted. He leaped to catch her from falling and held her close to his chest as she gave a struggled breath.

Steve stood forward and threw his shield. Knocking Sergei over and the gun went flying from the helicopter. Nina caught the weapon before it hit the ground. She handed it to Natasha before teleporting up into the helicopter.

Everyone held their breath as Nina disappeared with Sergei in the aircraft.

Bucky applied pressure to Erika's bullet wounds in her stomach. One hand holding pressure and the other moving her short blond hair from her face.

"We need to help Nina." Erika attempted to stand up and Bucky gently stopped her.

"She's got this doll." Bucky held a hand against her face and she sighed as she looked up where Nina had gone.

He was right. Nina could take care of herself and her corrupted cousin.

It was obvious how strong she'd truly become when she appeared back besides them with Sergei's unconscious body. She dropped him beside Steve and then rushed over to Erika.

"It's over. He's going to be locked up now. right?" Nina looked at Bucky.

"The raft is where he'll end up."

"Erika needs to go to a hospital right now." Jae commanded.

"I agree" Bucky brought Erika to her feet.

"I'm fine." Erika said, she took a step and kneeled forward while her eyes went blurry.

. . .

Erika awoke in a hospital. Bucky was asleep in the corner of the room. Her stomach had a bandage over it. She lifted it slowly off of herself. Revealing that whatever bullet had shot her was now healed. Nothing strong enough to kill her.

Sergei was locked up now and they didn't have to worry about his Hydra antics. All they had to worry about was their trial.

"Finally awake?" Bucky asked. Erika jumped and he gave her a smile. He looked dreamy. Arms crossed, hair Messy, eyes staring straight into her own, and a smile for her.

"Hi" Erika smiled at him.

"Hey." He stood up and walked over to her. His hands wrapped around her head and his lips connected with her own. In a passionate kiss that neither wanted to pull away from. Yet when they finally needed air they released eachother.

"Did I miss the trial?" Erika asked.

"No trial. S.H.I.E.L.D wants to give you a chance. After your new found heroism has come to the surface they've decided that you've been used. Like I was. They think you can benefit the Avengers. Like I believed you could. Your not going to the raft Erika."

"So now what?"

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now