Chapter 5

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Erika was working at her desk. She checked her new watch every so often but she wasn't entirely focused this morning. Her mind was stuck on the conversation she had had with Nina and Jae before coming into work.


"Can you guys hear me?" Erika asked staring at the device Jae had asked her to get.

Erika looked up at the box she'd locked her watch in. Like before she couldn't take any chances of the Avengers finding out who she really was. That also meant the chance of any listening devices planted in such watch.

"We can hear you!" Nina cheered in a glitched voice from the screen.

"So bring us up to speed Erika. How did day one go?" At Jae's question Erika put a hand to her head.

She explained to her friends about how Bucky had hit on her and how she seemed to have made a good impression on the Avengers. She also informed them on the datacrux, the server room, and her watch.

"Woah!" Nina laughed, "He's still chasing you no matter how you appear to him." Erika could hear Nina's smile.

"I won't let it get that far,"

"Don't forget Erika. The more they like you the easier it is to fool them." Jae said.

"He's, he's- my biggest enemy." Erika argued.

"Just get close for as long as you can Erika. If you can make him fall for you it'll be easier to finish this mission successfully."

"No, I can't Nina. I can befriend them." Erika could hear the sighs of Jae and Nina.

"Just don't mess up."

"Oh and Erika before you leave. Make sure to check your apartment mailbox for the flash drive I've sent. I'll explain how to use it to you after you've finished your oh so fun personal assistant job."

"I promise to check the mailbox Jae. I have to get ready to go. Talk later guys."

"Don't shoot Bucky down too quickly!" Nina said quickly before Erika hung up.

Present Time

Erika was staring at the ceiling when a buzzing noise sounded. She felt the vibrations of the watch and bent to look at the face of it.

Sam Wilson, Lab, 155

Erika read the little screen and sighed. She had to bring the last file report of The Falcons mission. she rose from her seat to go print and organize the file.

Erika had never had an encounter with Falcon before. Only heard rumors and anything a silly news station stuffed down your throat.

It didn't take that long for Erika to finish making the mission report. Although she got a little lost on her way to the Lab. Eventually she found it after Friday gave her a little guidance. Erika did not trust Friday.

Upon entering the room Erika was greeted by Dr.Bruce Banner.

"Hello you must be the new Personal Assistant? The one Tony recently hired?" He asked while looking away from whatever he was working on.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now