Chapter 21

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Erika wasn't exactly eager to open said door.

She was counting on the fact that whatever was on the other side wanted them dead.

Jae threw up his arms and forced them to retreat backwards from the front door of the apartment.

Nina blinked at the door with her dark eyes.

They all jumped when another knock sounded.

Then when the knocking turned to pounding they switched from deer in headlights to the skilled escapers they'd gotten so good at being.

Nina was the first to go. She leapt upwards and bolted. You'd think towards an exit but instead she spun around the kitchen as if she hadn't almost been frozen to death.

She yanked a drawer in the kitchen and started pulling at items Erika couldn't see.

"Whats that? Nina?" Erika was in a fight stance as she approached.

"Protection." Nina tossed a gun at Erika. Erika caught it and gripped it tightly before pulling it close to her and holstering it on her hip.

Nina holstered something around her own waist. This time she didn't jump when she heard another pound of the door. Instead she worked quicker.

She beckoned Jae and Erika away from the door and toward the window in the living room.

Jae began to unlock the window seal and pull it open.

Something rammed at the door and the sound of flying splinters of wood hitting the floor was all they could hear.

Nina slipped out first. Just as another sound of the door being destroyed seemed to echo.

The door gave way and they heard it slam against the wall. Jae slipped out next by Erika's demand.

Erika closed the window locking it.

Jae yelled at her as he climbed down. He banged on the window and she gave him a look that demanded his escape.

Erika turned to face whatever intruders were entering.

Whether that be the Avengers or Hydra.

She watched S.H.I.E.L.D agents march in. They surrounded the front of her but she stopped them from getting behind her.

She could feel the metal of their weapons. She lifted her hand and heard some of them fire.

She was channeling as much energy as she could. With her hand raised she stopped the bullets and yanked the guns toward her and away from the agents.

In a swift movement she threw them all behind her and out of reach.

"Phase 2!" The S.H.I.E.L.D agent in the front shouted.

Erika gave a sigh as she watched them pull out knives. The one in the front pulled out another gun, a pistol. With a bullet lethal to Erika.

"God damnit." Erika muttered under her breath, she dove behind a couch as the agent fired. She avoided the first shot fired but now had the issue of approaching agents with weapons she can't escape.

Erika felt the floor then her hand reached to the walls. Pipes. She could feel the pipes in the apartment. She used her strength and pulled the pipes out of the walls and disconnected them.

The metal pipes hit the agents sending them backwards. Some of them avoided the attack and continued towards her.

Some of them used the kitchen as a shortcut to get behind her.

Erika thrusted her hand towards the fridge door and forced it open, hitting an approaching agent.

She then toppled the fridge over on them.

"Phase 3!" She heard them yell.

She watched them throw two grenade objects into her direction. They exploded and sprayed a horrible scent over her. Her eyes stung and she fell to her knees as she blocked her face.

"Move in!" The ones still standing rapidly came forward and surrounded her from all sides the time.

Each adorning a knife in hand as they stared at her.

Erika blinked as they circled her. She rubbed her eyes and stood up. The room was filled with the gas and she was having a hard time seeing them.

"Skip to Phase 5!"

They attacked.

A knife went through almost every limb. Erika screamed and fell back down to her knees.

"Motherfu-" They pulled all the knives out and Erika screamed again.

Erika leaned forward on her hands.

There was a bang at the window that Erika could barely hear over the shuffling agents and her own breathing.

The window shattered and the agents turned.

The wall by the window exploded along with it. Flashing lights could be seen and a couple agents were blasted backwards.

Jae walked in through the wall in his Mark V Suit.

"The devil's voice is sweet to hear!" Jae shouted as he struck a pose.

Erika groaned and shook her head.

"God Jae, not the damn Stephen King Quotes."

Erika watched Jae deflect the knifes and knock the agents out one by one.

Erika felt her vision start darkening. She gripped her side. She was bleeding almost everywhere and couldn't hold her body up anymore.

Erika laid on the carpet, covering it in layer of blood. She tried her best to stay conscious.

Jae had taken out almost every agent when reinforcements seemed to pick their moment.

"That's my suit!" Tony yelled from the doorway.

He was wearing the suit that made him Iron Man. He approached Jae and pushed him backwards against the wall of the apartment.

"I've got Erika." Nat walked in next. Erika groaned. Backstabber. Erika gurgled a laugh. Her back was literally stabbed two seconds ago.

As Natasha approached Erika forced her weakened body to stand. She made it to her feet and glared at Nat.

Her wounds seemed to be healing though. Whatever metal had been stopping her was starting to become harder to stop her.

She glared at Nat as she walked over.

"You know how quickly this will be over." Nat sighed as she walked over.

"Come at me carrot top." Erika puffed her chest. Nat just rolled her eyes.

Nat swung with her leg first. Nailing Erika's head and making her spin a little. Erika got distracted by Jae and Tony's fight and Nat got another hit and tapped Erika's jaw.

Erika's hand was still on her side as she wobbled. She felt her hip and the grabbed the gun she seemed to have forgotten about.

Erika grabbed the gun and held it up to aim at Natasha's head. Nat groaned. She swung her leg again but Erika pulled back so she couldn't disarm her. She raised the gun up again and fired, barely hitting Natasha's shoulder.

"I really thought you'd missed." Natasha looked at her shoulder then shrugged. She swung one more punch at Erika.

Her head spun again and she fell forward. She passed out slowly as she watched Tony force Jae to the ground.

Sorry for the short chapter! Been a little busy. I'll make sure for the next one to be longer and up sooner! :)

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now