Chapter 2

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Jae had been waiting impatiently to hear about what had caused the change of plans. He'd been waiting for the confirmation from the team and hadn't heard a word. When Erika explained why she wasn't at her full power he raised a brow.

It was the metal of some blade developed by none other than Tony Stark. That man truly was a genius when it came to wrecking his enemies plans. The Team they'd developed had always been on the wrong side of the tracks according to the Avengers. Just because they'd all become associated with Hydra which they had completely split and escaped from. There wasn't much they could say or do that proved to them otherwise so they tried their best to work around it.

Erika and Nina had been through a lot together before they met Jae. Erika had been selected and born into Hydra as Kill Switch. That's exactly where her powers came from. It's what gave her the ability of Metal Control, Regeneration, and Advanced Physical Power. Now all because of this blade it was taken away temporarily from her.

Jae was carefully examining the blade under many zoomed in microscopes.

"It's definitely not a well known metal. It doesn't look familiar to any I've seen before. I'll need some time before I understand what is causing this metal to affect you like none other have." Jae said squinting into the scopes.

"It almost got me caught and more than likely taken to the raft. I can't let the Winter Soldier catch me." The stupid butterflies fluttered inside Erika's stomach as she said 'Winter Soldier'. No no no, it's not like that. It'll never be like that. Erika assured herself.

"It won't happen again Erika trust me. I'll be there before anyone can surround you again." Nina placed a hand on Erika's back. Erika couldn't tell if Nina was feeling guilty for what had happened on their mission.

"Thanks Nina. I really messed up today. I wasn't quick enough to stop a simple blade."

"Just remember Erika. We don't kill if we don't have to. Try to control your strength in times like that. We can't leave dead bodies everywhere we go or we'll be just like them." Nina sat down on a nearby chair.

"I know." Erika muttered. She also let herself rest and sit down on a metal grey chair.

Jae focused back on the blade and began to look through similar metal files.

They currently had stolen equipment adorning their lab. The technology was advanced, much farther than Nina and Erika bother to try and comprehend. Jae had a basic idea and currently used the technology as his own personal play set. It was a bit circular table with gadgets surrounding it. A microscope on one section, then a computer, scanner, automatic 3d printer, large robotic hand, a holographic modeling software, and some form of Laser equipment Jae used to design suits and weapons. This giant piece of technology took weeks to steal and get set up in the middle of the room. It filled up almost the entire first room of their secret apartment. The only other items in the room were all the chairs and tools also used by them.

There was a silence in the room for a while. Erika thought about the man she had killed. She wasn't Kill Switch anymore yet she still found a way to relate to her. Erika looked up to see Nina staring at her.

"What?" Erika asked.

"You know. I just remembered a very vital piece of that failed mission that I think needs to be brought up." Nina narrowed her dark eyes at Erika.

"You kissed the Winter Soldier." Nina blurted out, Jae gasped suddenly. Erika put a hand to her head. She did it as a distraction. Right?

"Don't be like that. I did it so you could grab me without that big bozo getting in the way. It was the first thing that came to mind. We all know it meant nothing." Erika watched her only, and most trustworthy friends blink at eachother.

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