Chapter 24

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"Missed you guys."

"Not as much as I miss wearing that Mark V Suit." Jae frowned.

"You did look pretty bad-ass" Nina added and Jae nodded.

Erika noticed how dark it was in the truck. She was surprised how there was no guards back there but each one of them seemed pretty tied down.

"Bucky told me you'd give me the plan so I suggest we get straight to business. There's no way the three of us are ending up on the raft."

"Yeah, you've got a point. Only so much time before they stuff us in a government court room and relapse the worst of our lives." Nina shrugged.

Nina, Jae, and Erika leaned in towards eachother and lowered their voices.

"Remorse is key. And technically we won't be lying. We aren't killers and we don't like killing. You were Kill Switch  when Hydra controlled you. My family may have received a bad rap but our name was always known not to hurt those who didn't deserve it." Nina explained.

Erika squinted at Nina in the dim light. "What about Jae how's he supposed to save his skin."

"Jae's never killed anyone, nor does he have any powers. He'd end up in regular prison for theft and I guess assisted murder if they felt like screwing us over."

"Nina don't forget that Bucky still has to get them to agree to our redemption. "

Nina sighed and looked up at Erika.

Nina explained in depth to Erika about how exactly they'd planned everything.
If Bucky served his part than none of the Avengers would hold anything against them. They would skim through the trial if everything went through as planned.
Jae made sure to add it'd be hypocritical if they received the book and Natasha and Bucky became Avengers.

Erika took a moment to wonder what her life would be like if she were free and not runny from anything (except maybe enemies of the Avengers).  Erika wanted to be held in Bucky's arms because she'd never felt so safe or cared for.

The vehicle halted. Jae, Nina, and Erika looked at eachother.

"Are we here-"

Sudden gunshots ended that train of thought and when the vehicle flipped over they definitely knew something was wrong.

Erika was only being held up by the straps keeping her to her seat. Nina and Jae had been smacked down on the fallen side of the truck.

"What's going on?" Nina shouted. She was blinking in her seat but couldn't manage to teleport out of it. She yanked and pulled on the straps.

Erika had felt a breath been knocked out of her and she started searching to see if she could feel any pull of metal around even while cuffed with a special made pair of handcuffs.

An explosion sounded making all their heads turn.

"Ambush?" Jae said.

"Hydra?" Erika suggested

"I'm free!" Nina exclaimed and they looked at her. She'd released herself from the seat and was now scrambling in the horribly tilted truck to release Jae.

"Quickly now Nina! These straps are really tight." Nina pulled and worked on detaching the straps. She took the buckle of her own straps and snapped it in half at such an awkward angle making it sharp on the snapped piece. She sliced Jae's straps and reached up to meet Erika.

She released Erika who barely caught herself as she fell a bit. She then used the metal to click open Erika's cuffs.

"Help me get this door." Nina shouted and they all came together and shoved against the door with no luck.

Jae studied the lock and began picking up the broken metal piece and attempting to pick the lock.

When it clicked they all shoved it open.

When light hit them they had to squint, then they had to duck when bullets were fired in their direction.

"What's going on?" Nina looked around.

They were on the middle of an open road and Hydra operatives had surrounded their vehicle. S.H.I.EL.D agents were carefully firing back while trying to protect themselves.

Jae noticed a fallen agent bleeding out.

"Erika your offensive. Fight off Hydra from us. Nina your defensive, protect the agent from the bombs and gun fires. I'll go help the injured ones. This is what I get for attempting to be a nurse when I was younger." Jae said.

They all went in opposite directions after.

Nina teleported agents out of the way of grenades and bullets. Jae ran towards any currently dieing agents and got to work.

Erika stepped forward and stretched her wrists. Her hands could slowly start sensing every pull of vibration on a bullet or a metal button on a suit.

She smiled as she blocked a swarm of bullets racing toward her. She watched them stop mid air and  sent them racing back towards Hydra.

Multiple operatives started dropping like flies around them.

Erika went fist to fist combat with a couple close enemies.

She swung her foot at their head and when they back away she pulled them towards her and punched their lights out.

She fought the operatives off from the S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

Nina joined her side after she'd moved the agents out of the way and now she was scanning the area.

Jae was still rushing around and make shifting  tourniquets for agents who'd been shot. He worked quickly and at one point Erika had to stop a bullet from going straight through his head.

It made him remember he didn't have the same abilities as Erika and Nina, that made him work quicker at the ability he did possess and that was to save these injured agents.

Most other agents the Nina had moved had returned back to battle but in a safer location.

Erika and Nina stood back to back as the scanned.

They noticed a vehicle in the air. A helicopter watching them from above. A bit too far for Erika to feel the vibrations.

A speaker clicked on the aircraft.

"Long time no see cousin."

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now