Chapter 15

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"I think I'm falling for you Bucky Barnes."

Erika remembered the evening vividly. She'd shared such a powerful kiss with Bucky Barnes.

He'd kissed her. He'd made that move. He also made the move to stare at her after she asked him to look away and then called her out for her "quick healing cause of magic".

She recalled the words he'd said to her after she admitted to falling for him.

"I already fell." With those words he had kissed her again. She had felt so many things that seemed impossible. The overwhelming sense of acceptance and care. He had wrapped his arms around her and leaned her back on the bed. She arched under him as their lips seemed locked together. He trailed his fingers along her body. One hand, warm fingertips trailing her side the other a cool vibranium metal that sent vibrations on her face. There had been so much care and love in every one of his actions. It overwhelmed her.

She had to stop him though. Even though they had both fallen for eachother, she still feared letting it go to far. Everything still felt new. Especially having such a different relationship with him.

He'd reacted so kindly. He gave her so much respect she didn't know if she deserved from him.

"I don't mean to force myself on you." He had pulled away from her when her hands had stopped him from reaching to the buttons of her white shirt.

"It feels like everything is telling me to never let you stop but-"


"Just a name a few things we work together, actually I basically work for you, I got the day off because Tony worries about my stress, another thing is that I've never actually..." Erika tried to bury her face under her hands as she spoke.

"Erica, doll." Bucky had softly replaced her hands on her face with his. He held her head and stared into her eyes. He was still leaning over her on the bed and she could feel the heat of his body. "I've heard I can be a good stress reliever, and we don't have to do anything you don't want to. I would never betray your trust."

"You barely know me." Erika had said.

"And yet I feel like I could put my world in your hands."

After that they had laid there on her bed beside eachother and talked the night away before she'd fallen asleep.

When she woke up it was early in the morning and he was nowhere to be seen. She'd been tucked neatly into bed and the night before was now a vivid and emotional memory.

She replayed the memory over in her head and felt a rush as if she was there with him all over again.

She had to realize that this wasn't fair to him. She was technically manipulating him. Yet she felt like the one who was head over heels for this man. Once the man she wanted to kill and now he felt like the man she wanted to love.

He was controlling her emotions now. She had to control herself around him and remember decorum in a work setting. She'd allowed herself to be so vulnerable near him. Her vulnerability let him feel more in control and able to help her. She wanted him to do that and she wanted to relinquish control but she needed to keep it. At least for the sake of her own team.

Erika heard the alarm of her phone go off. She had to get out of bed and go to work. She wasn't excited. She had to catch up on scheduling and she hoped her watch wouldn't buzz her away for something that always seemed unimportant.

Erika got out of the bed and prepared for her job that Jae had gotten her. A blue blouse and white slacks was the outfit she went for this time. The white slacks were a pair Jae had specially adjusted. She stuff her flashdrive in there. Even with Jae gathering information on his job at the Tower there may be an opportunity for her.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now