Chapter 22

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Waking up wasn't the worst part. It was the raging headache and bright lights that really sealed the deal. Oh and not to mention the Avengers staring at her through a glass cage.

"Ugh" Erika rolled over on the bed she found herself on. Shit really hit the roof this time. It was like Hydra, but instead she found herself disappointed instead of enraged when she looked through the glass.

Bucky, Steve, and Sam were waiting behind the shield of see through material that kept her from feeling the full force of their gaze. Erika could only worry about herself now. Especially about how quickly these people were willing to ship her off to the raft to live out the rest of her broken life.

"Morning Kill Switch" Sam waved at her. Erika covered her face with her hands.

"That's not funny Sam." Erika heard Bucky push him into the wall they were leaning on.

"Too soon?"

Erika rolled her eyes and sat up on her white bed.

Steve gave her a look of pity, something made her want to rip him to shreds. She couldn't take any Avenger empathy, it was the worst kind. Sam just seemed happy to see her. She didn't understand why Sam didn't feel betrayed by her. She lied to all of them. Yet they didn't seem as angry as she would've expected.

Bucky just looked at her with longing. She caught his eyes and they both seemed to feel frozen. Erika didn't understand how he could be her enemy for so long and then someone she never thought she could hate again. All she could do in this moment was turn around.

So she did, she turned to face the other wall of her new cage and managed not to try and look back at Bucky again.

"So now what?" Erika said as she clasped her hands together.

"Straight to the chase." Bucky stepped closer to the glass.

"What do you expect. The rest of my life seems to rest in your hands and I just wanna know how your gonna screw it up further." Erika spat.

"You know I don't want that. " Bucky put his hand on the glass.

"What do you want? We had one plan, but who knows what the rest of the Avengers tried to shove down your throat."

Bucky shook his head, "We came to explain."

Erika looked at him, "Explain what?".

"Explain what you need to do to make sure that instead of the raft you may just end up out free." Sam told her.

"What about my friends?"

"Jae is getting ready to be interrogated and Nina was only caught two hours ago." Steve said, he walked closer to Sam and Bucky who had approached the glass.

There was a pause. Erika was trying to imagine how they thought they could save someone like her.

"Nina turned herself in. After you and Jae were captured. Tony's also extremely pissy these days. Jae outsmarted him, he has no idea how to get the suit Jae stole back under his control."

Erika stifled a laugh, "Jae tinkered with that suit well."

"What do you mean by interrogate?" Erika said, she stood up now. She didn't approach the glass because no way could she be so close yet so far away from Bucky.

"Standard procedure, anything to further incriminate you or bring evidence that can help them track anything belonging to you or that you've stolen."Steve informed.

"This is precisely what we're here to explain. We wanna use the interrogation as a way for you to receive help, like what I got. Instead of the raft."

"That doesn't really work Bucky. I did everything of sound and mind." Erika frowned.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now