Chapter 4

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First days are always nerve wracking. Especially on those first days that you work alongside the people who wanna lock you away and shame your name. It's a great reminder every two seconds while Erika is getting ready.

The bustling city was nothing like the small town residence she'd once been sleeping in. Everything moved like the strike of a match. Always in a hurry. Erika was an early bird but this felt much different.

She had dressed in tight black pants with a white button up top. She was presentable. She aimed to impress the Avengers. She thought about what her number one fan would think of her, her real face yet not her real self. The Winter Soldier was casted in her mind like a shadow. Always there. She pulled her short blonde hair behind her ears and faced herself in the mirror.

Good enough. She thought.

She took a cab down to the Avengers Tower and from that went to the floor Tony had emailed her. She had a day's work of scheduling the Avengers days and heading their calls. She knew she was going to hate this.

Arriving on the floor was probably the easiest part. When she entered she had to stop herself from trying to run out the door. Jae and Nina had tried to train her for the incoming days of the Avengers Company.

When Erika entered she saw Tony talking to War Machine. Natasha was standing with perfect posture talking to Steve and Bucky.

Erika felt her breathing catch when she locked her eyes on Bucky. The Winter Soldier was right there. The man who chased her. He stood not so far from her reach. Hating him was as easy as breathing. It came so naturally she wanted to walk over and complete her mission. No, not that mission.

She shook her head trying to forget the memories rushing back to her.

"Ah Erica! Alright everyone listen up! This is the girl responsible for taking care of your calls and protecting you or even training you. Apparently she's qualified for all of it. Natasha even confirms it! Don't be shy to send her running around and don't forget to give her a warm welcome. Okay, that's all I wanted to say." Tony gave them a peace sign and walked out while continuing his conversation with the War Machine.

Erika could just scream. That was one way to introduce her and put much attention she didn't want on her. She had a goal today. Scope out the server rooms, find those databases. It didn't help that everyone thought they needed to give a warm welcome.

"Hello Erica," Nat said in Russian.

"Hello Nat" Erika said in English because she wasn't ready to attempt an American accent in Russian yet.

"I'm sure you know these faces from the news. Maybe even a headline that says 'Traitors!'. This one's my prehistoric pal." Natasha said as she introduced Steve Rogers. "Oh and that one's another relic a century old." Nat patted Bucky's shoulder.
Erika gave a laugh. They were some old men.

"Pleasure to meet you both. I'm Erica Hodge." She held out her hand to them. Her hand seemed to reach closer to Steve as Erika felt her body wanting to edge away from her longest enemy.

"Pleasures all mine." Bucky took her hand and shook it gently. Her body tensed and her heart jumped. Like a panic attack after one bad series of events.

"Nice to meet you Erica. I promise we won't ask for anything other than bare minimum." Steve said, giving a chuckle. His broad shoulders shook a little as he did. Erika had spent a long time analyzing the soldier. She'd never been told to put a target on his back but he did seem to back up his friend a bit too much.

"Heard you kicked one Black Widow's butt. Wish I'd seen that." Bucky gave a smug smile as he looked at Erika.

"Tony's got one fat mouth." Nat sighed.

Can't Catch Me - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now