Short Flashback

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The stone walls of the cell had been the most memorable thing to a young Erika. The one glass wall showed her all the guards walking around her cell. She watched them silently everyday until they took her out and reminded her what she was supposed to do.
A familiar man walked up to the glass door and watched her before hearing the ding of the opening and walking in.

Erika followed him out the door and two operatives stood by each of her sides like a young girl was to dangerous to walk alone. In this case she probably was. Erika followed the constantly walked path down a block with more cells. Some containing what she used to thing we're forever sleeping people and others who stared blankly at the guards just as she always had. She used to think the cells were just rooms. That's where people like her lived.

She entered the Speaking Room or at least that's what she called it. She hated that room and yet appreciated her chance to talk and repeat phrases.

When she walked in the operatives tied her hands together and another man sat across from her with a list in his lap.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Kill Switch" she responded softly.

He nodded to the Hydra men and they took positions by the door to be out of the man's way.

"Who do you work for?"

She stayed silent.

"Who do you hail?"

"Hydra." Her eyes were on the floor as her hands gently rustled the materials keeping her hands locked together. The man snapped in her face and she looked up at him sharply.

"Why are you here?" He asked reading his list

"To serve Hydra." She said. She was ready for the last question on this list before they went back and repeated.

"What is your mission."

"To kill the Winter Soldier."

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