You Help Calm Harry's Nervous Belly Before His Concert /blurb/ {HSLOT}

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This story contains: mentions of throw up, small bit of crying, comfort, fluff

{ husband!harry - HSLOT Harry era }

word count: 682

Harry gets a tummy ache due to pre show nerves and you help him feel better.


You went to grab something off of Harry's tour bus, leaving Harry in the dressing room to continue getting ready for his concert that's in about an hour. He seemed fine. A little nervous but other than that, he was his cheerful self and was even cracking jokes.

But when you come back to his dressing room, you don't find Harry how you left him. No, Harry is laying on the small sofa with his eyes closed and a hand over his bare stomach, as well as a small bin sat on the floor beside him. You walk up towards the couch and squat down beside his pale body. Then you quietly whisper, "Baby, what's wrong? I thought you were excited to go on stage tonight. What happened?"

Your voice startles Harry a bit and he slowly turns his head towards you and mumbles, "I was. And I still am but my nerves have gotten the best of me and I have a bit of a tummy ache. I don't want to be sick y/n. What if I throw up on stage or some'in?" He now has tears rolling down his face. You knew Harry's nerves created tummy aches for him sometimes before shows or live tv performances, but he seems genuinely upset right now. You also know Harry hates getting sick. So you must try your best to comfort him and prevent any misfortune on his special night tonight. The first night of his tour.

You carefully help Harry rise up and you sit down on the sofa where he once laid, allowing him to curl up in your lap. You place one hand on his tattooed tummy, rubbing it in soothing circles and the other ghosts up and down his arm. Then you coo to your husband in a caring tone, "Harry, you'll be alright. It's just a bit nerves that has your tummy feeling sick. Take deep breaths for me and you won't feel sick anymore." "Does my hand feel nice on your belly?"

With his face burred in your neck, Harry whispers, "Mhm, feels good. Thank you for helping me feel better." You sit with your large bodied of a husband in your lap and help calm his nauseous belly with your soft and gently hand. Harry's tears have slowly stopped and his body seems to have relaxed from your touch.

Harry has always said you're the only one who can calm him down when he's sick or is having anxiety, but you often forget that that's true. But times like now, you know it's true. Having you hold him and say such soothing and reassuring words has Harry's pre show anxiety and nerves washed away and all he can think about is how much he loves you.

After minutes of holding Harry, he lifts his head from your neck and wraps his arms around your upper body for an even tighter hold. Then with his face an inch away from your face, he softly smiles and says, "I love you so much my love. I feel better now that you've held me. Not nauseous anymore, thank god." When Harry is done speaking, he pushes his head forward and connects his soft lips with yours in a loving kiss.

You except Harry's kiss by mimicking his lip movements with yours and run your hands up and down his bare back. Then you get interrupted by some of the stage crew that barges in his dressing room and says Harry needs to head out to the stage. You help him put on his sparkly top and make sure he doesn't have tear stains on his cheeks. With a small kiss goodbye and a wish good luck, Harry is off towards the stage where he will preform to his loving fans. And you head out behind him, sitting stage side and showing your support for your multitalented husband, Harry.

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