Harry Confesses His Love to You for the First Time /blurb/

867 9 0

This story contains: mostly fluff, mentions of sex (love making)

{ boyfriend!harry - softrry - any harry era }

word count: 889

After falling asleep in Harry's arms during a movie, he carries you to bed and that's where he finally expresses his love to you, in words and actions. 


Harry had been wanting to tell you that he loved you for weeks now but hasn't found the right time to do so. In all of his previous relationships, he's never felt what he considers to be love for the other person so early on in the relationship. You've only been dating for three months but there is no doubt in Harry's mind that he's in love with you. He just hopes you feel the same way towards him.


Tonight for your three month anniversary, Harry cooked you a lovely dinner at his home. He's an excellent cook if you do say so. After eating the veggie pasta he cooked, you both migrated to Harry's cozy living room where you snuggled up close and turned on a rom com movie.

Towards the end of the film, you just couldn't keep your eyes open any more. You tried to stay focused on the large tv screen but your body failed you and with your head resting in the crook of Harry's arm, him spooning you from behind, your eyes slowly closed and you fell into a nice slumber.

It took a few minutes for Harry to realize you'd fallen asleep and when he did, his heart swelled in his chest. You looked so peaceful and relaxed pressed against his large body. He hooks his top arm over your waist and gently laid his hand on your clothed tummy as he continued to watch the movie in front of the couch.

Twenty minutes later the movie finishes and now Harry has to decide how he wants to get you to his room. He thinks it would be easier to wake you from your sleep and have you walk but he doesn't really want to wake you. So he finally decides to slowly raise up on the sofa after pressing the off button on the tv remote, keeping your body pressed to his.

When his feet are on the floor, Harry carefully situates his arms so that he can place you in a cradling position and carry you to his bedroom. You make little grunting noises but surprisingly remain sleeping with your head against his shoulder.

Finally Harry makes it to his room successfully with you sleeping in his hold. It's only when he peels the duvet back and places you on the left side of the bed that you arouse from your sleep. Instantly, Harry is leaning down to kiss your forehead and quietly shushes you, "Shhh, it's alright m'love. Gonna give you cuddles in just a minute."

He tucks your body in with his covers and the smell attached to them lull you back to sleep. His smell just brings you so much comfort. Harry walks to his bathroom for a wee before sleep and to brush his pearly whites. Then once he turns all the lights out, Harry slips in the comforter with you and scoots over so that you're facing each other on your sides.

Just as Harry's eyes began to shut, he hears you whisper, "Thank you for carrying me to bed. That was so nice of you." You've somehow ended up in that half awake - half asleep state of mind and thought to express your appreciation for your loving boyfriend.

In this moment Harry doesn't know what comes over him. Just a mix of all the events that took place today; from how perfect the date night went, to you falling asleep in his arms during the movie. Harry scoots just an inch closer to your body and quietly mutters, "I love you."

Those three words have your entire brain wide awake and your eyes that were lazily shut come flying open. Though the lights are all out, the street lights outside cast a low glow into the bedroom, allowing you to see Harry's face. His face is full of nerves and you can tell he's scared of what your response is going to be.

Leaning forward to tightly wrap your arms and legs around his body, you reply happily, "I love you too, Harry. So much." When you tilt your head up, Harry tilts his head down and without any thought, you crash your lips together in a passionate kiss. He places his one arm under your side to wrap around your back in that direction and his top arm is slung over your hip, just barely pulling you in closer.

One thing leads to another and your very heated kiss turns into much more than just a kiss. Both your clothes get discarded and thrown on the floor and before you know it, Harry is helping you lay flat on your back as he rolls on top of your smaller body and starts making passionate love to you. The best way to show you his love after just having admitted it for the first time.

The sex is messy and heated with rough kisses and your sweaty bodies make the sheets cling to your skin but neither of you care. All you care about is making sure every inch of your skin is touching one another, which it is.


By the times the love making ends, you're both so tired that you pass out naked, holding each others bodies, and subconsciously remind yourselves that you'll be needing a very long shower in the morning.

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