Needy Sub Harry Dry Humps You & You Play with His Hole (SMUT) /blurb/

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Anonymous asked:

What abt Harry being subish and the reader is reading a book or watching tv idk and just plops into her lap and sticks her hand into the back of his pants tyty 💕💕💕

AN: this is one of the sub!harry requests i got yesterday. the other one i still have yet to put out will be out later in the day. also i didn't know whether the person who requested this wanted reader to play with harry's hole or what when they said put hand down harry's pants but i assumed they'd meant to mess around with his hole. so that's what i wrote. enjoy ; )

This story contains: sub!harry, dry humping, rubbing of male bum hole

{ husband!harry - sub!harry - soft!harry - reader is in t-shirt and panties - harry is wearing only boxers }

word count: 632

Harry is feeling needy and comes to sit on your lap in bed and starts grinding his cock into your pussy. Then shyly asks you to play with his bum hole.


Harry was in his home studio when he started feeling needy for you. So he stopped what he was working on and makes his way to your shared bedroom where you're reading a book in bed. When you hear the creak of the bedroom door, you look up from the pages of your book and see a cute looking Harry making his way over to you.

You think he's going to crawl into bed beside you but he doesn't. No, Harry walks over to your side of the bed and peels the covers back before shyly plopping onto your lap. You leaning upright against the headboard. "Har.... what are you doing, babe?" you question softly as he begins to settle more into your warm body. His knees are bent on both sides of your hips and his arms are wrapped around your upper back. Head on your shoulder.

"Shhh, keep reading." Harry's quick to comment in a whisper. You listen to his request and start reading from your book again but this time with a heavy body straddling you.


Things are like this for a few minutes until you feel Harry start to subtly grind his hardening cock into your clothed pussy. You don't say anything at first and allow him to rock his hips with yours just to see what his true intentions are.

But then his grinds become more desperate and harder, making you lose focus on your book from the clit stimulation you're getting. Little whines escape Harry's mouth and your pussy throbs at the sound.

So he wants to dry hump you conclude. You don't mind one bit honestly because you like that not every time you get sexual together it involves intercourse or being naked. Simple is good sometimes.

As you begin to roll your hips up to meet his, Harry shyly requests in your ear, "Can you um, um, maybe play with my bum?" This has you realizing Harry is feeling subby and it all makes since now. Him wanting to be physically close to you. Him rubbing himself on you. Then wanting you to play with his ass.

"Yeah," you coo softly to your big, sub baby that's in your lap, "want me to play with your little, tight hole." Harry just aggressively nods his head on your shoulder. You take one of your hands and slide it down his back until its at the elastic of his boxers. Then you slip your hand inside and run your finger tips along his ass crack until you feel his puckering hole.

"Mhmm." Harry moans into your hot neck at the gently touch of your cold fingers.

"Shhh, baby. I'm gonna take care of you. Just keep rubbing your cock into my clit, alright. Making us both feel good." you say aloud. Your finger tip nudges at his hole and you basically just tease the entrance while Harry keeps up a constant rhythm of his hips. You didn't want to push it all the way in because your finger aren't lubricated properly for that.

A few minutes later, Harry cry's out as his hold around your back becomes tighter, "Gonna come, mhmm."

You inhale a deep breath and reply, "Come for me, baby. I'm gonna come with you."

Harry shakes in your lap as his orgasm courses through his body. Loads of jizz filling his boxers and tears running down his cheeks from the intensity of it all. You follow right after. Your body shudders in pleasure with how good his cock was bumping and grinding into your clit. You lose focus on your fingers circling his hole but neither of you notice.

Then you're both left panting and collecting yourselves until you help a disoriented Harry come back to you and get him ready for sleep.

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