Cuddly Night with a Family of Three

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Context to help you understand this easier:

(Family of 3/Any Harry era of your choice/A very affectionate and cuddly family/(s/n) means sons name)


You and Harry have been married for five years and it was the best decision of your life. You sometimes wonder how you can wake up everyday and feel more love for that man than you did the day before but you do. And Harry feels the same towards you. He often complains that his heart hurts from loving you so much.

A years after marriage, you had your son s/n. He is the light of your lives. He's the sweetest little boy who's currently three and looks almost identical to his father. Brown curly hair with Green eyes. Your son adores his father too. They are basically best friends. Do everything together. Cook, sing, and watch films at the theaters. Sometimes you think you're jealous of their relationship but then you get a glimpse into their interactions and think otherwise.

Like every night when Harry's home, you and him put your son to bed at his designated bedtime, being 9:30 pm. Some may say that's too late for a child his age but you're cool parents who allow him to stay up a bit later than the average toddler. Then you come back downstairs to have a relaxing and peaceful cuddle with your husband on the sofa. Usually when s/n goes to sleep, that's when you and Harry get alone time. Some nights alone time means shared sexual intimacy and some nights, like tonight, is just shared cuddly intimacy. A few kisses here and there but other than that, it's strictly PG. Mostly cuddles and hugs under a warm blanket on the couch, watching a movie or show. Sometimes you even sip on glasses of wine, depending on your moods. Then when the clock hits 11:00 pm, you both call it a night, knowing s/n will be up bright and early in the morning because he's an early riser.

Something that's always been a tradition between Harry and yourself is how he carries you up the stairs to bed each night. After standing from the sofa, you reach up to wrap your arms around Harry's neck and he taps your thighs instructing you to jump. You jump up on his tattooed body and cling to him like a koala bear. You have your legs wrapped around his waist, with your face buried in the crook of his neck. Laying some innocent kisses on his flawless skin.

"I love you y/n." Harry speaks sweetly while maneuvering around the couch carefully, with a tight grip on your body and making his way to the stairs.

"Love you more." you reply back with a content smile. While Harry is halfway up the stairs with you, a little voice can be heard through the nightly silence of your house.

"Daddy, why are you carrying mummy like that?" s/n ask in his cute and soft British accent. He startles the both of you because you thought he was asleep like you left him two hours prior.

"What are you doing up mister?" Harry questions in a playful voice.

"I heard a strange noise in my room." his little voice comes out a little more distressed.

Harry walks up to the your son and asks, "Would you like to sleep with mummy and I tonight then?" Usually you don't allow s/n to sleep with you because you want him to be comfortable sleeping in his room and in his now big boy bed. On the rare occasions, besides when he's sick, will Harry and you let him sleep in your bed with you. You assume tonight Harry is in a rather good mood. "Is that alright with you my love?" he questions, turning his head inwards to look at your face that's in his neck.

"Sure, why not." you reply back.

"Alright. Come ere' mate." Harry says to your son, reaching down to pick his small body up with one arm and placing s/n on his right hip. With both s/n and you clung to his body, Harry pads towards your master bedroom on the white plush carpet. Once in the room, Harry walks to your side of the bed and you detach from his warm body, while he lifts s/n off his side and tosses him dramatically in the middle. S/n lets out a little giggle and you all have smiles plastered on your faces. You love moments like this. Moments where all three of you are laughing and smiling and just enjoying each others love.

Harry strides to his side of the bed and slips in the comforter that you and s/n are already under. He reaches for the lamp string and turns the lowly light lamp off, leaving the room pitch black. "Come ere' my loves." he speaks soft spoken. S/n scoots over to his daddy and curls up on his chest. Then you scoot over and curl up in his left side, placing your head on his shoulder with one hand over your sons back. Harry wraps one arm securely around your back, rubbing soothing patterns in your shirts fabric, and places his right hand on top of yours, located on your sons small back.

"Love you mummy and daddy." your loving son whispers and lifts his head up to peck a kiss on Harry's lips and then reaches towards your face on his daddies shoulder to peck your lips with a kiss.

"Love you to my darling boy." you whisper back sleepily.

"I love you to baby. And I love your mummy. Love both of you so much I can't physically handle it sometimes." Harry kisses the top of your sons head and turns his head to bend down slightly to kiss your lips. You happily kiss his perfect lips back, holding the kiss maybe a second too long with your son around. Then you all close your eyes and fall fast asleep in Harry's muscularly and cozy body.

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