You Get Cramps During Sex /blurb/ (SMUT/FLUFF)

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Anonymous asked:

Y/n have an weird feeling in her lower belly, she thought it's nothing and told Harry he said she's close but some minutes later she got bad cramps while they have sex. Harry noticed this and asked y/n if everything is alright and if she wants to keep going but she said no. Harry took really good care of her and her bad cramps :)

AN: i loved this concept and decided to write it faster then i normally keep requests. also i hope i followed this request right because it was a bit hard for me to understand fully what it was asking of me. enjoy and feedback is welcome.

This story contains: sexual intercourse, being in pain, comfort, fluff at end

{ boyfriend!harry - softrry - been together for two years }

word count: 1,033

After already having three orgasms, Harry tries to give you a forth but ends up stopping abruptly when he realizes your discomfort.


You were having sex like you always do, in bed with Harry fucking you in missionary. Everything started out feeling great and you'd already had three orgasms. One from his tongue, one from his fingers, and the other from his cock. But Harry wasn't done with you yet. He was aiming for you to come one more time.

Now usually you come no more then twice and are exhausted. So this was pushing you a bit more than normal but you agreed to it. Only problem was you're not sure if your body agreed with the idea of four orgasms in one night. Not that it didn't start out feeling well because it did. But as Harry thrusted in and out of your overly sensitive, soaked pussy, you began having some stomach cramps.

Similar to period cramps except you knew they stemmed from the stomach muscles contracting throughout each orgasm you had. You try and wade it out and focus on that last orgasm Harry is trying to give you. His hips collide with yours with each thrust and his dick is diving in so deep you feel lightheaded.

But eventually the cramps get so bad in your lower abdomen that you lose any sexual build up Harry had created for you and honestly you aren't even in the mood for sex anymore. You just feel so bad because Harry hasn't even came yet and that last orgasm was suppose to be one you had together.

Harry decided to glance down to watch what normally is a face of pleasure, but soon realizes something is wrong. His hips come to an abrupt stop and with heavy breathing he questions with concern, "You alright? What's wrong?" Fuck, you love that Harry is so aware during sex and can pick up on your different emotions. Makes you feel safe in a weird way.

Looking up with a guilty face, you mutter in a hoarse voice (hoarse from all the moaning you've done), "Just, kinda having some stomach cramps. I feel so bad because I know you haven't even came once yet but I really don't feel in the mood for sex anymore. I'm sorry."

This has Harry immediately pulling his cock out of your pussy and you hiss at the feeling. He doesn't hesitate at all to stop the sex once you said you weren't in the mood anymore because that would be shit on his part. Sex is supposed to be enjoyable for all involved and if someone isn't enjoying it, then it must be stopped.

"Fuck," Harry responds feeling guilty, "m'so sorry, love. Did I cause it? Was I overdoing it tonight?" You can see the guilt on his face and truly feel bad. You know it was never his intentions to cause you to have pain. He just wanted you to have so much pleasure that it ended up becoming too much for you to handle.

Reaching up to bring his naked body flush to yours, you reply, "No Harry, don't blame yourself. It's just, three orgasms is a lot for me and all the muscles in my lower tummy started to ache. But each orgasm you gave me truly felt amazing so don't think otherwise."

Wrapping his arms around your upper body, Harry asks, "Alright, but what can I do to help? Want me to bring out your heating pad that you use for your periods?"

You nod your head while hugging around his back and respond verbally, "Yes, please." With that, Harry is lifting off your body and getting off the bed. He firstly steps into the bathroom to grab a damp cloth to clean your sticky pussy with. Then after that, he goes to your shared closet and finds the heating pad you use monthly for your period cramps.

Harry walks back towards the bed and knees his way in front of where you're spread out still. He takes the wet cloth and gently wipes at your cunt. "Shhh, everythin' s'gonna be alright. Just getting you all clean." When the fabric of the washcloth rubs over your sensitive clit, you nearly jump off the bed but Harry holds you down gently.

Once you were all clean from the sex, Harry plugs in your heating pad to warm up while going to find you and him some clothes to sleep in. He grabs himself a pair of boxer briefs for sleep and you a pair of cotton panties and a t-shirt. After putting on his underwear, he then pads back over to you and helps you put on the clothes.

As you sit up, you wince at the pain in your belly. "Really am sorry, baby. If I'd known three orgasms was too much for you I'd never tried giving you a fourth and caused you to get cramps."

Now with your shirt and panties on, you pull Harry's face to yours and place a gently kiss on his soft lips. "It's fine, babe. I myself didn't realize it was too much until I started feeling the cramps. You had no way of knowing until you saw my face. So none of this is your fault."

Harry just leans in to peck your lips one more time before grabbing the heated heating pad and situates it on your lower tummy, the t-shirt lifting a bit. Then he goes to turn out all the lights and slides into the warm covers with you. He scoots over and helps you onto your side so he can spoon you.

Reaching around, Harry places his large hand on top of the heating pad to hold it into place for you. He plans on staying awake until you fall asleep in his arms and then he'll turn the heating pad off so it's no risk of catching on fire throughout the night.

You fall asleep minutes later to your cramps gradually going away from the heat that's pressed onto your stomach. Harry's erection went down minutes ago. Really as soon as he saw you were in discomfort because who could stay hard when their partner is in pain. He didn't mind he never came tonight either. All Harry cares about is your health and well-being.

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