Harry Eats Your Pussy in the Back of the Car (SMUT) /blurb/

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This story contains: female oral in car, kissing

{ dad!harry - husband!harry - dilf!harry - oldest child 16 & youngest is 5 - married for twenty years }

word count: 1033

On the way home from a date night, Harry pulls over in a empty parking lot and eats your pussy in the back seat.


It was after a date night. You had your oldest teenage children watch your youngest kids while you and Harry had a lovely meal at a fancy restaurant in the heart of London. On the way home, Harry started getting handsy with you and you allowed it because it's rare that the two of you could be so touchy-feely around one another without being inappropriate in front of your children.

Then randomly, Harry turned to you and asked if he could eat you out in the backseat. At first you were opposed to the idea, but then you thought about how much you missed the wild side that you and Harry had when younger. Like when you had sex in public bathrooms or when Harry would fuck you in the kitchen. Having kids had really matured the two of you and doing risky stuff hadn't occurred in years. But Harry just looked so handsome tonight and his hand that kept gliding up and down your thigh had your pussy throbbing for his warm mouth. So you hesitantly replied with a yes.

Harry pulled the car into a abandoned parking lot and you both climbed into the backseat like giddy teenagers. You laid flat across the back row of leather seats and Harry sat in front of you. With his large ring cladded hands, he spread your legs apart and kissed down your naked thighs, until he reached your damp panties. You lifted your dress up to your waist so it wasn't in his way. Then you could feel Harry's hot breath on your cunt. It made you jump slightly from the coolness it brought to the wetness that was occurring.

Knowing that you didn't have much time because you had a house full of kids waiting for you to return home, Harry doesn't waste anymore time to devour your dripping vagina. He slid his fingers into the band of your panties and pulled them down your thighs, just enough so they're out of his way. Then Harry pushed his head forward and licks a strip up your pussy, having your arousal coat his tongue. You could hear your husband moan from how much he loved the taste of you and you allow your head to fall back on the seat and tried to enjoy this private moment between to two of you while you had it. Good thing Harry had tinted windows you thought or this moment wouldn't be so private.

After Harry had dipped his tongue in your hole a few times, he brought his warm tongue up to your aching clit and flicked the tip rapidly onto the nerve. You jumped at the stimulation and Harry couldn't help but smile because he just loved to make his wife feel good. Over and over Harry alternated from flicking, licking, and sucking on your clit and you were a total mess. You mewled and gasped when his tongue did a movement just right.

When you were about to come all over Harry's tongue, he brought one of his fingers up and slipped it inside your pussy, not moving it at all. He had his rings on and didn't want one of them to cut you in any way. Though you wish he'd move the finger he inserted inside you, it did feel nice to just be filled with something, moving or not. And his tongue was doing plenty to get you off.

All of the sudden, Harry's tongue felt a little too good on your clit and the tight knot in your lower stomach unknotted and you came and came hard. You reached down and grabbed a handful of his brown curls, forcing him to be as close to your pussy as humanly possible. Your back arched off the leather seats and your breath came out erratic. Then when you started to whine in displeasure from being overstimulated, Harry pulled away and placed small kisses over your trimmed mound and a bit on your pudgy stomach.

After he ate you out, Harry made his way all the way up your body until he was hovering over your slightly trembling body. He smiled down to you and you gave a soft smile back. He bent down and crashed his lips to yours. You could immediately taste your pussy juices on his tongue but didn't mind at all really. He cradled the side of your face in one hand and the other rested on your hip bone. You reached up and placed a hand on the back of his neck, forcing his head down closer to yours.

When your head cleared slightly more from the hazy state your orgasm brought, you reminded Harry you're in a parking lot and need to get home. Harry helped you pull your panties up and tugged your dress down over your smooth legs. Then you both got back into the front seats and Harry zoomed off driving. The whole way home you noticed a smile plastered on his face. You asked him why he was so happy and he said he had the best meal he could possibly have had, referring to your pussy, and was just over the moon about you having allowed him to eat you out in the backseat of his car.

Right before you stepped out the vehicle once you arrived home, you checked your appearance to make sure you didn't have sex hair even though you technically didn't have sex. Just oral sex. You reached over the console to give Harry another kiss and whispered that you where going to have his large cock in your mouth as soon as all the kids were asleep.

Walking inside your house, Harry had to make a run for it to your bedroom because eating your pussy in the car and you having promised him a blowjob, he had a pretty evident boner in his tight pants and didn't want your kids to notice or that would lead to an awkward and embarrassing conversation.

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