Your Daughter Gets Scared at a Halloween Party /blurb/

921 5 0

This story contains: crying, comfort

{ dad!harry - husband!harry - only one child, Rayne = (Ray-n) }

word count: 715

At a friends Halloween party, your three year old daughter gets scared when an older kid puts on a scary movie.


Harry and yourself went to a friends house for a small Halloween party. You dressed as Cinderella and Harry dressed as Prince Charming. Then your three year old daughter Rayne just dressed as a mini princess. It had an equal amount of kids to adults and you thought Rayne would love to play with other children, beings she doesn't get out much.

All the adults hung around in the main room downstairs, drinking light alcohol so no one would get drunk beings they're kids there, and the Halloween party took place in an upscale California home. The kids played in one of the upstairs bedrooms. The oldest child being thirteen and Rayne being the youngest.

Your daughter was a very out-going child and the other kids seemed trustworthy enough, so you allowed Rayne to play without parental control and just have fun. And every few minutes one of the parents would check on the children anyways and the last time it happened to be you. They were all doing good, just playing tag and making silly dances up in their cheap Halloween costumes.

About thirty minutes after you last checked on Rayne and the other kids upstairs, you heard a loud scream. You and Harry knew immediately it was your baby girl. Just the parental instincts in your bodies and the distinctive sound in her cry. You both set your cocktail glasses down and ran up the stairs together, needing to see what the fuss is about.

Rayne came running out the room, yelling in tears "daddy, daddy," and ran right into her daddy's legs. Harry reached down to scoop your little girl up and in a calming manner asked, "Baby, what's the matter? Tell daddy what's wrong!"

As Harry tried to calm Rayne down, you walked into the bedroom where all the other kids were and they looked at you with nervous faces. "What's going on in here? Why is Rayne upset or scared?"

The oldest boy quietly muttered, as if he was scared of getting into trouble, "Well, we sorta put on a scary movie and I think the film scared her s'all." You were fuming with anger but you had to remind yourself that these aren't your kids and you had to let their parents discipline them.

You stepped out the room and went back into the hall where Harry was swaying Rayne back and forth in her wrinkled princess dress. "Looks like they put on a scary film and it frightened her." you told your husband.

"Oh no," Harry replied looking at you and then glanced back down to his daughter that was in his arms, "Shhh, you're alright my love. Daddy won't let anyone hurt you. It was just some silly movie. Not real." Rayne calmed down, feeling safe in his hold and was now only hiccupping her tears as her head rested on her daddies shoulder and her tiny face buried in his neck. Harry's hand traced over her small back to sooth her as well.

You three walked down the staircase and explained to your friends the situation that occurred. You weren't upset with your friends by any means but you did wish they'd not allow their children to watch scary movies. Especially when guest are over and specifically when a three year old is in the room.


After arriving home, you undressed yourselves and got into your nightly sleepwear and helped a sleepy Rayne get out of her un-comfy princess dress. When you were about to lay her down in her bed where she normally slept, she started crying again, still having the imagine of the scary guy in the movie from earlier.

Needless to say, Rayne ended up sleeping with you and Harry. Beings she was your baby, even if she's three, you couldn't have said no to her. Not with the way she clung to Harry's body like a koala bear, not letting him go. So she slept right in-between the two of you and alternated between snuggling into her daddy's side, to being half way onto of your body.

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