You Receive Aftercare for the First Time /blurb/

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Anonymous asked:

hi! i was wondering if you'd ever make the aftercare blurb from the other perspective? like y/n has never received aftercare?

AN: i hope you enjoy. i don't know how i feel about this in the aspect of execution so i hope its to your standards.

This story contains: comfort, crying, talks of sex, fluff

{ boyfriend!harry - soft!harry - any era }

word count: 902

You get confused when Harry begins aftercare on you due to never having had any and cry at the thoughtful action to which Harry comforts you.


Out of all the times you'd had sex in the past, none of the guys you were with took the time to do any sort of aftercare for you. They'd fuck, pull out, turn over, and fall asleep. If you were lucky you'd get a cuddle from them but even that was rare.

No one told you that females needed to pee after sex to avoid UTI's. No one told you that wiping yourself dry between your legs was a normal thing to do after having sex. Because none of the men you were with ever even attempted to explain or demonstrate the proper steps after having sex to keep your body clean and healthy.

So when your current boyfriend Harry started giving you aftercare following your first time having sex together, you were overwhelmed with emotions at the thought of someone caring so much about you that they wanted to care for your naked body after doing very intimate things with it minutes prior.


It just sort of happened. One thing led to another and before you knew it, you were having sex with Harry for the first time. He was super gentle with your body, knowing he's quite large between his legs, and didn't want to hurt you. And you appreciated how careful he was being through-out because when you lost your virginity, the guy was so rough that it hardly felt like sex but more so assault. Though it was consensual.

After making love to his girlfriend for the first time, Harry laid upon your naked chest, just breathing heavy as he tried to catch his breath. You didn't mind because the weight of his body made you feel safe in a way. But you knew as soon as he had calmed down from his orgasm, Harry would probably roll off you and slide to his side of the bed where he'd go to sleep for the night.

Instead of that though, Harry sat up and began to get out of bed. You didn't say anything but you were wondering where he was going. When you saw Harry enter the bathroom, you got even more curious as to what your boyfriend could be doing. Was he going to pee? Was he going to take a shower and leave you on the bed naked and alone?

Seconds later you got your questions answered. Harry padded back into the bedroom with a damp cloth in his hands. You raised up on your elbows and asked, "Um, what are you doing?"

Harry got on the bed and gently opened your legs. Then he answered in a soothing voice, "Cleaning you up, m'love. Can't have yah falling asleep with cum between your thighs." You looked at Harry dumbfounded. Cleaning you up? What kind of guy does that, you asked yourself. Not one you'd ever slept with.

As he carefully wiped up the fluids between your legs and the bit that ran down your thighs, Harry kept thinking how weird it was that you had to ask what he was doing. Had you not ever been taken care of after sex? The thought alone makes his stomach turn.

Once he finished cleaning your pussy up, you couldn't help but to burst into tears. This had Harry reacting fast and worriedly questioned, "What? What's wrong, baby? Are yah in pain or...."

You cut him off by spitting out through your cry, "Just, just.... that was so nice of you to do. Never had anyone clean me up after sex before. Thank you." Harry stared at you sadly. How could anyone not know the importance of aftercare? Especially aftercare on women.

With a heavy voice, Harry replied, "Oh love, its m'job to clean you up after sex. Make sure you're all healthy and clean. I'd never fuck you and leave you to attend to yourself. The thought alone makes me sick to m'stomach." He bent down to place a kiss to your forehead and used his thumbs to wipe away your tears. "Stop crying, baby. It's alright. I'm always gonna take proper care of you. Now, let me lift you up and take you to the toilet so you can have a wee before sleep. Gotta always piss after sex too."

Though you didn't know you were suppose to pee after sex either, you didn't question it this time. Harry scooped your naked body up and carried you to the bathroom where he sat you carefully on the toilet. He told you that he'd give you some privacy while he gathered you some clothes for sleep.

When you finished your pee, you walked on wobbly legs back into the room where Harry was waiting with the clothes he'd selected. Also having put boxers on himself. He helped you get dressed into the panties and t-shirt before helping you under the duvet. Then right before Harry slide under the covers with you, he asked, "Do you want a glass of water or any snack?"

"No babe, just want cuddles please." you muttered tiredly, just craving closeness and sleep. Harry turned the lamp off and got under the blankets with you. Then helped you come closer to his body. You laid your head on his bare chest and right as sleep was about to take over, you whispered, "Love you."

Harry yawned and replied, "Love you too, m'love. Get some sleep now." And that's exactly what you did.

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