A Hairy Situation /blurb/

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AN: i had this in my drafts for about 2 weeks but hadn't proof read it until now because i wasn't sure if this concept was any good. i thought it may be weird but it was inspired by a tiktok i seen. also i just spent 30 minutes proof reading this and my computer decided to restart so i had to proof read this twice. at least is small so it didn't take too long to restart.

This story contains: talks of pubic hair, light embarrassment, reassurance

{ dad!harry - husband!harry - daughter age 2 }

word count: 608

While you're taking a relaxing bath, your daughter runs into the bathroom and decides to point out the fact you have pubic hair.


You're relaxing in the bathtub after a long day of running around with your two year old daughter. She really keeps you on your toes and makes you exhausted by the end of the day, each day. But your husband Harry is a true saint. He helps out with so much and you couldn't ask for a better partner. Like right now.

Harry is currently chasing your daughter around, trying to help her into some pajamas for bed, but she keeps running away from him. Her bare butt is flashing him as her curls bounce up and down. He wants to get aggravated with her but she's just too damn cute. Her little giggles fill the halls and before Harry knows it, your daughter runs right into your master bedroom and into your bathroom where you're our in the bath.

Before Harry has time to catch her, your daughter enters the bathroom and sees you laying back in the tub with your feet propped on the edges. You turn your head when you hear a laughing toddler and say, "What are you doing missy? Thought your daddy was putting your pjs on you?" She's seen you naked before so you don't even try and cover up. You are her mum after all.

Harry comes rounding the corner and enters the bathroom out of breath. Then he sees your daughter standing by the tub talking to you. Which he smiles at, watching the mother-daughter interaction. You look up behind your child's curls to see your husband standing there and watching. Hating that they bothered what was supposed to be a relaxing bath for you, Harry apologizes, "Sorry, love. She ran away from me before I could snatch her up."

"Its alright babe." you giggle.

Then out of nowhere, your daughter blurts out while pointing in the tub, "Mummy, yah got hair on your bum." Your face freezes with embarrassment. Did your child really point out the fact you have pubic hair and call your vagina your bum?

Harry has to hold back a laugh, not wanting to make you upset. Then he steps forward and scoops up the naked baby saying, "Okay, time to go little one." He looks down at you and mouths a 'sorry'.


Minutes later, Harry finally got your toddler dressed in her pjs and put to bed. You've gotten out the tub, doing your nightly routine. Harry comes back into the bathroom and wraps his arms around your middle, resting his chin on your shoulder, and looking ahead in the mirror.

"I can't believe she pointed at the fact I have pubes and called it my bum hair. How embarrassing." you mutter as you rub moisturizer on your face.

"She's only two love so don't feel too bad about it. She'll probably forget by tomorrow." Harry speaks softly in your right ear.

"Are you sure you don't want me to shave? I mean I could if you get tuned off by the hair or something." you question your husband, now feeling a bit insecure that you even have pubes.

"Baby, baby, baby, I don't care if you have pubes or not. I have pubes. Everyone has them. You don't need to shave for me, ever. Only if you want to, okay?"

"Okay, you're right. But I still can't believe she had to point to them and say I had butt hair." you laugh. Your laugh causes Harry to laugh behind you and you can feel his chest vibrate on your back. You love when you can laugh and make light out of embarrassing moments together. That's why Harry is your bestfriend, lover, and partner for life.

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