Dry as a Desert (SMUT) /blurb/

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Anonymous asked:

how do you think harry would react if y/n can't get wet because of some medicine or stress?

AN: this is short but sweet. and i don't know much about antidepressants so i don't know if vaginal dryness is really a side effect but that's what it said online. i just choose a medicine with lack of vaginal lubrication as a side effect and decided to choose what i did. sorry if its inaccurate.

This story contains: foreplay, slight embarrassment, comfort, use of lube, the start of sexual intercourse

{ dad!harry (though you can't tell from this blurb per se) - husband!harry - soft!harry- dilf!harry - kids are at grandmas house }

word count: 638

During foreplay Harry discovers your cunt being dry and after questioning you on it, comes to realize its from your new medication and decides its best to use some lube.


Harry would be confused at first but then be super understanding. Let's set the scene >>>>>


Everything was going how it normally goes when you prepare to have sex with your husband and baby daddy. Kisses are being shared. Touches are being made. You both are super turned on, evident by Harry's hard cock that's still tucked away in his boxers. And as for you, well you just feel turned on.

But as Harry places wet kisses along your neck, he slides his right hand down your torso and to your pussy. He slips his bare hand into the front of your lace panties and when he runs his middle finger down the slit of your lower lips, he feels nothing. Nothing as in no wetness which is odd to him because you're always super wet and especially when you take the time to enjoy some foreplay.

Harry lifts his head from where it was in your neck, hovering it above your face. "Babe," he whispers softly, "you sure you're feeling up for this tonight. I mean, you're kinda not wet, like at all." Your heart sinks at those words. You felt turned on so you assumed you were wet. But you hadn't actually felt yourself to find out either.

"Um," you swallow hard, looking up at your sweet and caring husband, "yeah, I want this. I'm super horny in fact. Don't know why I'm not getting wet. God this is so embarrassing." At this point you had tears in your eyes. Nothing has ever happened like this before. You're usually just wet when you're in the same room as him. Now when he's actively going through the steps of foreplay to get and make sure you're wet, you aren't getting wet at all.

Harry has a gentle smile on his face and bends down to place a kiss to your cheek. "Love, its okay. Don't get upset, m'not mad. Do you know what I think your problem is?"

Shyly you ask, "What?"

"I think it has to do when the new medicine you started taking this week. You know, the antidepressant. Its not you and you can't control it." your husband explains calmly now that your issue was clicking in his head.

"Oh." you mutter, somewhat relieved you had an answer to your lack of vaginal lubrication.

Harry sits up and you fear he's going to want to go to sleep and forget about the sex but then he speaks, "Tell you what, we can always use my lube if you want. Don't have to feel embarrassed, m'love. It's what lube is for, m'k."

"Okay, yeah. We can do that." you agree, sounding a bit more upbeat in your tone now that Harry has made you feel less ashamed about your lack of lubrication. He peels away from you and fumbles in his bedside table draw, gabbing his bottle of lube that's usually for you to use on him when you peg him, and gets back on the bed.

He carefully helps you remove your panties and bra and then discards his own underwear. With his knees planted into the mattress on either side of your thighs, Harry pops open to cap of the lube bottle and squeezes a generous amount into his palm. Then he warms it up a bit by rubbing his hands together and brings his slick hands to his erect cock, lathering it in the lube. All the extra lube, Harry gently rubs it between your pussy lips and a small amount on your clit.

Once his dick and your cunt is wet from the clear lube, he grabs his shaft in one hand and positions it at your entrance. Harry looks forward for permission and when you nod your head yes, he carefully begins to slip inside. It feels much colder then it normally does but never-the-less feels great. Then once he's balls deep, the sex can begin.

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